Chapter 28

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All the Cullens except Edward and Bella who weren't home gathered around the living room while Carlisle took out his phone and dialed Demetri's number, which the guard had given him before.

"Carlisle?" Demetri asked when he accepted the call. "What can I do for you?"

"Hello Demetri. Me and my family are all here and we were wondering if we could talk."

"We can talk. What is it?"

"Juliana called us a few hours ago." Rosalie spoke up.

"Oh she did? Well that didn't come as a surprise. I was sure she would do that at some point. Most likely sooner than later."

"Yes. And although we are more than happy that she is alive and well, we couldn't help but notice something." Carlisle continued.

"Something that she said about Caius." Alice said.

Demetri waited patiently for them to continue. He already had an idea what they were going to say.

"She said that she hasn't yet seen Caius and that she feels like someone is keeping him away from her."

"We know that Caius wouldn't leave her side even for a minute when he hears that she has woken up." Carlisle continued.

"So the question is why did she speak like that? Do you know?"

"Caius is here in the castle and he knows she has woken up. He was the first person in the room when that happened." Demetri answered.

"Then why does Juliana say that she hasn't seen Caius yet and that nobody tells her anything about him?" Emmett questioned the guard.

"We don't know why, but we think that she doesn't recognise Caius."

"What do you mean?" Carlisle asked.

"She does remember him. But when he stands in front of her and talks to her she acts like there's someone else in front of her. In this case Aiden."

Jasper's eyes widened ever so slightly. Aiden.

"She told us about Aiden as well." Alice spoke up. "She said that he's in the castle and was in the room when she woke up."

"But we went to see him. He was home and he didn't have any idea that Juliana was even in Italy." Emmett said.

"When Caius and I walked in the room and saw Juliana alive she freaked out and said the name Aiden. She called Caius Aiden."

"So she remembers Caius but doesn't recognise him?" Carlisle asked again.

"Exactly." Demetri nodded.

Then Demetri went silent. A knock was heard coming from the background of his side of the phone.

"Caius. Come and sit. I think you should be part of this call." The Cullens heard Demetri say.

"Who are you talking to?" Caius asked and sat on the chair next to Demetri.

"I'm talking to Juliana's family. To the Cullens."


"Maybe they know what could be happening. We need help. Juliana needs help. This is not normal."

Demetri placed the phone on the table and put it on speaker so both of them could hear the Cullens.

"Hello Caius." Carlisle spoke.

"Hello Carlisle." Caius answers.

"So Carlisle, do you have any idea what could be happening?" Demetri asked.

"Please tell me again everything that has happened." Carlisle said calmly.

Caius spoke up. "I sat in the tower where she was placed after that night in the throne room. Suddenly I heard a crack so I turned around to see what was happening. Then the cracking sound filled the room and Juliana's loose body pieces started to shake and vibrate on the table. Then her arms and head attached themselves back to the rest of her body. That's when I left the room to find someone."

"Me and Caius left the throne room to go back to Juliana's tower and when we opened the door there she stood in front of the window, looking out of it." Demetri continued. "She turned around and when she saw Caius she freaked out. She told him not to get any closer and called him Aiden. She was absolutely terrified and still is completely sure that it is Aiden who is standing in front of her when it's actually Caius."

"She thinks Caius is Aiden." Carlisle muttered, thinking.

Suddenly Carlisle left the room running to his study. After a few seconds he came back with a brown old book. He placed the book on the table in front of them and started to look through it.

"I have heard of this before." He explained.

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