Chapter 13

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Caius walked in his room's bathroom and closed the door behind him. He took a white towel out of a shelf and placed it on a chair next to the shower.

He took off his rings and necklaces and placed them on a small table.

Then slowly he started to undress. First he took off his white button up shirt and then his black tight dress pants leaving him only in his black boxers.

Then lastly he took those off too leaving him completely naked.

He turned to look at himself from the mirror. He had no idea when was the last time when he showered, brushed his hair or took care of himself in any way. He did look terrible.

Caius did eat a few days ago thanks to Sulpicia so his eyes had now got back their blood red color.

Caius opened the huge shower door made of class and walked inside. He turned on the water and started to wash himself.

He washed his hair and when he started to wash his body he saw Juliana's vanilla shower gel sitting on the shower shelf next to him.

Caius gently grabbed the bottle and squeezed a small amount of the product on the palm of his hand.

Smell of the vanilla immediately filled the air, making a small weak smile spread on Caius' lips.

Caius loves Juliana's natural body scent and when she had washed herself with her body wash the hint of vanilla mixed with her natural scent was absolutely intoxicating.

He then washed his body with her body wash. The scent gave him comfort. It almost felt like he and Juliana had just been cuddling in their bed so her scent was all over him.

Oh how much Caius hoped that that would have been the case.

Caius then rinsed the soap off of his body and stepped out of the shower. He wrapped the white towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom.

He then brushed his hair and left it to air dry. Caius placed all of his rings back to his fingers and necklaces around his neck. Juliana's ring still hanging from one of them.

Then a knock was heard from the door and Demetri stepped inside.

"I just got a word from Felix. He, Alec, Carlisle, Emmett and Jasper left the Forks and are heading towards Eugene, Oregon. They are trying to find someone who might know something. Though they aren't hundred percent certain the person knows anything."

"Thank you." Caius nodded.

Demetri left the room seeing that the King wasn't in a mood for discussing these things right now.

So once again Caius was left alone in his room. He walked to his closet deciding to get dressed.

Caius picked out black shirt and black more comfortable pants than the ones he was wearing before. He took a hair tie and pulled his hair into a man bun. Since the day when Juliana first ran her fingers through his hair and gathered them up into a man bun he had started to like the hairstyle a lot.

Caius didn't bother to put effort in his appearance since he wouldn't be leaving the room.

He sighed and turned around to go back to the bed.

Then he saw something on his right near the balcony four meters from him. Or better say he saw someone.

Caius' eyes widened and if his heart would beat it would have stopped right in this moment. His knees buckled and he almost collapsed on the stone floor.

"Juliana?" Caius breathed out. There she was right in front of him. In one piece. Standing next to the thin white curtains of the balcony door.

"You didn't protect me." She spoke with anger clear in her voice, staring right at him.

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