Chapter 10

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(Caius' POV)

I stopped on my tracks. New news. Every new step takes me closer to those leeches.

"The vampires have left the country." Jane started to explain.

"Where are they going?" I questioned hoping and praying she would know.

"They are going to America. That's basically the only thing that's sure right now."

"Then that's where you are going."

"Yes." Jane nodded her head. "And since they are going to America maybe we can ask if the Cullens want and can help in searchings?"

"We can always ask." I agreed. "Now tell me again all the things that you know about them so far."

"There's three males and one female. That's the obvious part. The female was the one who grabbed and killed Juliana. Did Juliana have any female enemies that you know of?" Jane asked.

"No. At least she hasn't told me." I shook my head. She had never mentioned that there were any females that she had a bad relationship with.

"So that's the part where her family could possibly help us. Maybe they know something."

"Maybe." I nodded.

"And why are they going to America? Well that's a big question. Maybe they live there or have some kind of base there. And since they got the job done they are going back home."

"But what is their motive? What has Juliana ever done to any of them?" I spoke out loud mostly to myself.

"I don't know my King. But we need to find out so we can possibly find them from America. If we don't get any possible clues, we have no idea where to start our search."

"Yes. So this is what we are going to do. You, Felix and Alec are going to America. You three can pick a few others to come with you from the other covens that you think can help you the most. Demetri is going to come back here." I explained.

"So how do we inform the Cullens about all of this?" She asked.

"Demetri has the closest relationship with them and they like him the most. So when Demetri comes back here, he can explain everything that's going on right now."

"He will be here in the evening."

"So you will leave tomorrow morning then."

Jane nodded her head. She turned around telling me she would go to the library and just like that I was alone again.

For the first time in a while I felt even a bit hopeful. Maybe things are starting to sort out. But then again things will never be the same again because Juliana isn't here in my arms.

I left the throne room and headed towards Juliana's tower. I needed to tell her the news.


"Hello beautiful." I smiled and sat on the chair beside her.

"Jane came back a bit ago. She told me that she now knows where the vampires went. They left Italy and went to America."


I chuckled dryly. Obviously. I shook my head. What did I think? That she would just magically wake up when I told her that?

"We will find them. We are now probably closer than ever. We will get them."

I carefully touched her cheek with the tip of my fingers.

"And you will be fine."

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