Chapter 49

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Juliana was in Aro and Sulpicia's room with Sulpicia. They were talking and spending time together while Aro, Caius and Marcus were having a meeting in the throne room about the upcoming trip.

"So you're not staying here?" Sulpicia asked.

Juliana shook her head. "No. I would want to stay but Caius said that he has some place where I will go and stay with someone."

"Do you have any idea who the person is?"

"I don't. And I hate it. Caius knows I get comfort from knowing what will happen next and how things will go. I get anxious when I don't know what I need to do next and what will happen. So I'm not too happy with him right now."

"I'm sure he will tell you. Maybe there are things that even he isn't sure about just yet, so he won't tell you in case some things in his plan change. He will tell you when he's hundred percent sure how things will go."

"Yeah... maybe."

"He doesn't want there to be back and forth kind of stuff. He doesn't want to move you around like a chess piece."

"Ladies?" A small knock was heard from the door and Aro stepped in. "Caius wanted to talk to you, Juliana."

Juliana nodded her head, said bye to Sulpicia and left the tower to find her fiance.

Just when Juliana took the one last step down the stairs of Sulpicia's tower, she was swiped off of her feet and picked up in someone's strong arms. Juliana let out a small squeal of surprise but then laughed when she realized it was Caius.

"Don't scare me like that!" She smacked his shoulder playfully.

Caius smiled and kissed her cheek. "Let's go to our room my queen."

"I can walk darling."

"Absolutely not." Caius shook his head with a smile. "My lady won't walk if I can carry her."

Juliana rolled her eyes but wrapped her arms around his neck gently and relaxed in his arms.


"Juliana. We all need to go." Caius explained when he and Juliana had arrived in their room.

"Love, I'm fine." Juliana placed her hand on his arm.

"Juliana, listen to me." Caius took both of her hands gently in his. "I don't want you to be all alone in here while there's no one to protect you. We talked about this already." Caius spoke in a gentle voice. "I know most likely nothing will happen but I don't want to take the risk."

"I can protect myself. Jasper taught me almost everything he knows."

"I know you can. But it's still a no."

"Sulpicia is here alone a lot and she will be staying here alone this time too. I would just be with her." Juliana explained.

Caius shook his head.

"Then what's in your mind? Where would I go?" She crossed her arms against her chest.

"I don't like this too much but you will go to Sicily."

"What?" Juliana's eyes widened. "What am I doing in Sicily?"

"You're going to live with a family member."

"Who?" Juliana furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"My brother."

Juliana's eyes widened. "Since when have you had a brother?"

"I don't usually talk about it. But he's my half brother. When I was still a human I didn't know but my father had an affair. And from that affair a child was born."

"Is he a human or does getting changed into a vampire run in the family?" Juliana teased him.

"Like in your family?" Caius teased back. "But yes he is a vampire. He was changed probably a bit over ten years after me."

"If he was a human would you still consider him as your brother?"

"He would be my brother if he was a human or a vampire. Although I wouldn't be able to see him if he were a human."

"What's his name?" Juliana asked with a smile. She started to kind of like this. It would be interesting to meet Caius' brother.

"Stefan. He lives in a manor by a lake in Sicily. I'm sure you would like it there."

"Why haven't you told me about him before?"

"Like I said, I don't really talk about him. But this is different. We don't have any other choices. He's the best option we have."

"Does anyone else know that you have a brother?"

"Aro and Marcus know. No one else."

Juliana nodded her head slowly, deep in thoughts. "So for how long would I be staying there?" She then spoke up again.

"Three days maybe. Maybe a bit more. But not over a week, I promise you that." Caius nodded and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"You are always worried about my safety but I am worried about you too. Promise to be careful and come back to me safe and quick."

Caius smiled at her. "My love. I will kill everyone and anyone on my way to get back to you. Just to see your eyes again and to kiss you with my whole body and soul. I could find you from the ends of this earth, Juliana Whitlock. Nothing and no one will tear us apart. Not even death."

"We have proved that already." Juliana smiled softly and Caius agreed with a nod.

"Where were you born again? In Texas?" Caius then asked.

"Houston. In 1845."

"I want to see the place where you have come from. I want to see where your roots are. Maybe I will visit Houston while I'm there."

"It doesn't look the same there anymore like it did when I was alive and there. So so many years have gone by." Juliana then smiled softly to herself. "My family had a horse. It left with Jasper when he left for the army. Both Jasper and I loved that horse. Jasper especially. He has always loved horses. His love for them hasn't gone anywhere over the years but since it's... hard to own a horse in Forks." She chuckled. "He has taken interest in motorbikes over the years and is quite passionate about that. He was really depressed when we first left together after he had changed me. The lifestyle of constant fighting of territories, training newborns as Maria's puppet... It really affected him. It was super emotionally straining and especially to him since he could feel the emotions of the new borns he needed to kill." She smiled again. "But everything changed for the better when he met Alice. With me, she helped him through all his past horrors. Every time when they're together, Jasper releases a powerful sense of happiness. So powerful that it covers our entire house. He loves her so much."

"I would like to meet him someday."

"You will. At our wedding." Juliana smiled brightly.

"New thing what to wait on that day." Caius sat next to her on their bed and kissed her temple.

"What are the other things?"

"Our wedding in general, seeing you walk down the aisle, finally getting to be married to you and getting to call you my queen. And now meeting your brother and getting to talk with him."

Juliana smiled and scooted closer to him and then rested her head against his shoulder.

"La mia sposa." Caius wrapped his arm around her.

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