Chapter 50

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(Juliana's POV)

I had just finished packing my bags. It was decided, I would go and live with Caius' brother for a while. My flight would leave in a few hours. I need to leave soon.

"Ready to go?" Caius walked out of the balcony.

I turned to look at him and smiled softly. "Yes. I'm a bit nervous."

Caius nodded his head. He then sat next to me and kissed my temple. "That's fine. But it will be okay in the end. Plus it's only a week in the longest."

"And the flight isn't long."

"Exactly." Caius nodded. "Only a bit under a four hour flight."

"I took a book with me. And I could always just close my eyes and rest. Although sleeping isn't an option."

Caius nodded in agreement. "You aren't able to contact me but I will contact you immediately when we get back here in Volterra."

"Why can't I?"

"Because I don't have a phone or a laptop, love." He smiled softly and I nodded.

"Right. Of course. Can I ask something?"

"Of course." Caius nodded.

"So what Carlisle told me about the Volturi before I met you, he said that you have no respect towards humans, humankind or any things that humans have created. Expect art and literature. Is it true?"

"Where did this question come from?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because you don't have anything like modern time things here in the castle. Which is completely fine and I kind of like that. But just wondering. I mean other vampires all around the world have many opinions of the Volturi and I'm now one of you. So they start to have opinions of me too. Like in Edward and Bella's wedding."

"What? What happened in their wedding?" Caius' eyebrows furrowed. "Did someone do something to you?" He immediately became protective. "You haven't told me about this."

"If I tell you, promise not to kill or even threaten anyone. Okay?"

"Fine." He huffed in annoyance. "Now tell me who said what."

"At the wedding one of the guests was annoyed that Edward and Bella invited me to the wedding. Edward explained to her that they invited me because I'm Jasper's biological sister and family. She said and I quote "Everyone knows that Caius has found his mate. We all could be in great danger."

"Be more specific darling. Who said that?"

"Irina. My cousin."

Caius took in a big unneeded breath, trying to calm himself down. "And did you say something back?"

I nodded. "I did."

"And what did you say?"

"I walked up to them. She wasn't afraid of saying those same things right to my face so she continued "This is dangerous. No one knows what can happen." And she said this while looking at me."

"This is dangerous." Irina glanced at Juliana and turned back to look at Edward. "No one knows what can happen."

"So you're saying that two people finding love from each other is dangerous?" Juliana asked.

"Caius doesn't feel love." Irina spat angrily.

"Oh I see. So you know my mate better than me? And you know what he feels and what he doesn't?"

"Juliana." Edward spoke from behind her in a warning tone.

"No one disrespects my mate when I'm around. We love each other. Our love for each other isn't dangerous to anyone." Juliana looked deep in Irina's golden eyes before a smile formed back on her face and she walked away. "Enjoy your evening."

"And that's what happened." I ended the story. For a few seconds Caius didn't say anything but just looked at me. "Love?"

Then a smirk grew on his lips and he tackled me to the bed. I let out a squeal of surprise but then started to laugh when Caius laid on top of me and placed kisses on my face.

"Una ragazza così brava." He murmured in my ear. "I'm so proud of you, darling. So proud. Although you didn't have to get in a fight with your cousin because of what she said about me."

"Like I said. No one disrespects my mate when I'm there to hear."

"Name Irina is familiar. Didn't she get killed a while ago? I remember something like that."

"You killed her." I nodded.

"Right. I did. Well she deserved it." He shrugged and got off on top of me. Caius then glanced at the clock on the wall by his small writing table. "It's late. The taxi to the airport should be here any minute."

I nodded and Caius took my hand and helped me get up from the bed. "I'll see you in a week."

"Maybe even earlier." He smiled and pulled me against his chest by my waist. He kissed my forehead. "I love you, Juliana."

"I love you too. So much." I smiled softly. I stood on my tiptoes and placed my lips on his. He kissed me back deeply, the kiss full of love. "I need to go now."

"I'll call you immediately when we get back and I will buy you tickets back home."

We hugged the last time before I took my luggage, handbag and left the castle.


When I landed In Sicily and got my luggage there was a white car standing outside and a man in a long coat and the hood pulled over his head, almost covering his whole face leaning against the car with a white piece of paper in his hand that said Juliana.

I walked up to him and gave him a small smile although I wasn't hundred percent sure if he saw it because of my white silk scarf around my head. I took my big sunglasses off for a second so he could see my red eyes and know that I was the right person that he was waiting for.

"Welcome to Sicily, Juliana. Let me take your luggage."

"Thank you so much." I smiled and let him place my luggage in the trunk of his car. I then got on the front seat of the car and took my long jacket off. The man then got in and did the same with his jacket.

"The car ride isn't long. Fifteen minutes." He explained and drove off of the airport. "How's my brother?"

I turned to look at him. "Stefan?"

"The one and only." He answered with a smirk.

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