Chapter 41

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(Caius' POV)

I kissed Juliana's hand after placing her ring back on her finger. When my lips touched the cold skin of her hand she gasped.

I looked at her and saw that her eyes were slightly cloudy. Her eyes turned into that when she was having a vision. What was happening? Did I do something bad? Or something right? I have heard that she hasn't had a vision after she died, and now she's having one.

I looked deep in her eyes trying to make sure she was alright and everything was going well. Slowly the cloudiness from her eyes started to fade and she blinked. Vampires don't have to blink but she always does after a vision. I held her hands gently in mine. It felt so good to be able to touch her skin again after so long. I held her hands because I knew she was always dizzy after the visions. I didn't want anything to happen to her after she came out of her vision.

She has said that the vision is about the person she touches. Is this vision about me?

Juliana looked at our hands and slowly moved her gaze up to my face.

"Caius?" She whispered.

A huge smile formed on my face and my eyes lit up. I gave her hands a small squeeze. "It's me, my love." I spoke in a gentle tone. "How do you feel?"

I gave her time to adjust her eyesight after the vision while still holding her hands.

"Caius?" She asked again but now she looked at me better.

"Yes Juliana." I nodded with a smile on my face.

And before I even got any time to react I was tackled to the ground. Juliana threw herself against me so hard that I had fallen on the floor.

Her body was laying on top of mine while her arms were around my chest and her face buried against my neck.

I wrapped my right arm tightly around her waist and stroked her long wavy honey blonde hair with my left hand.

"Amore mio. Grazie! Grazie Dio!" I muttered against the side of her face.

"You're here." She whispered against my neck.

"I never left my darling. I was always here. I never left you."

She then pulled her face off of my neck to look at my face. I got up into a sitting position on the floor so we could look at each other.

I set her to sit on my lap so her legs were on both sides of my thighs. I cupped her face in my hands and held it like the most fragile porcelain ornament.

I stroked her cheek with my thumb while looking at her. Her hair was slightly messy from how she jumped on me and how we fell on the floor. Her eyes the same red like rubies and her lips as perfect and beautiful as always.

"Can I kiss you?" Juliana whispered. "To- to make sure you're actually there."

"Kiss me my dear."

And she did. She placed her lips against mine and placed her other hand on my cheek while the other hand was behind my head to pull me closer.

At first she was slightly hesitant but when she realized it truly was me she kissed me like never before. Our lips moved in sync, molding against each other in the most perfect way.

After a minute I pulled out of the kiss and looked at her again with so much adoration and love in my eyes. Like I have always looked at her. But this time was special in so many ways.

"You're so handsome." Juliana ran her fingers through my hair. My eyes fluttered close when I felt her fingertips and nails against my scalp. Her touch felt so good. "Just as handsome as I remembered."

I opened my eyes again when she fell silent. She looked at my face carefully.

"You look exhausted."

"I might be a bit exhausted but I'm the happiest person on this planet right now." I answered. "It has been stressful for the both of us."

Juliana nodded her head, agreeing with me. "Can we go to bed?" She asked in a small voice which made me smile again.

"Of course. You need to rest."

"I want to rest in my fiance's arms."

"And you would be a fool if you'd think even for a second I wouldn't want my fiancée into my arms." I teased her a little and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose.

"We're sitting on the floor." She chuckled looking around us.

"We are." I nodded my head with a small grin playing on my lips. "Now let me help you up. You might feel a bit weak. I don't want you to fall."

I got up from the library floor first and then gently scooped Juliana into my arms making her laugh.

"Shall we go to our room my Queen?" I asked her.

She nodded "We shall, my King."

I smiled at her before holding her in just one of my arms while I grabbed the diary from the table and gave it to her to hold before again holding her tightly in my both arms.

I walked out of the library and to our room. For a long time it was just my room, then it became just her room but now it's our room again.

Juliana looked up at my face the whole time I carried her. Not talking her eyes off of me even for a minute. Not that I wanted her to.

When we arrived at our room I kicked the door shut behind us and placed her gently on her side of the bed.

"Do you need anything?" I sat next to her on the edge of the bed.

"No." She shook her head. "Just you."

I smiled and got up from the bed. "Well let me change into something a bit more comfortable first."

I walked up to my closet and opened it. I took my black cloak off and started to unbutton my shirt. I glanced at the mirror attached on the inside of the closet door and saw Juliana staring at me from the bed. I smirked and winked at her through the mirror. Her eyes widened slightly and she buried her face into her hands in embarrassment making me chuckle.

I took my shirt off completely and changed it into a more loose and comfortable one. After I was ready I closed the doors and turned back around.

"What were you looking at?" I asked Juliana while walking up to her.

"My incredibly handsome and sexy mate and fiance." She answered with a small smile.

"Hmm. Is that so?" I spoke in a low voice and got next to her on the bed.

"Mhm." She nodded and looked at me with her gorgeous eyes filled with love and desire.

"Darling. I think I know what you're suggesting but the answer is no. I don't want you to get hurt or feel uncomfortable. You might be a bit weak."

I saw that Juliana wanted to argue but she decided not to. She nodded and gave me a small smile.

I placed my hand on her cheek. "We have a lot of time for that after we have made sure you're okay in every way."

"Okay." She nodded.

"Come here." I opened my arms and Juliana snuggled herself against my side, curling up into a ball. I wrapped my arms around her protectively and placed a kiss on the top of her head. "I love you so much mi cara. Thank you for coming back to me."

Juliana didn't answer but she didn't have to. She placed a kiss on my jawline and that was the only answer I needed.

Everything is okay now. I'm not broken anymore, she's not alone and we have each other again.

My forever || Caius Volturi   Where stories live. Discover now