Chapter 9

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"Caius?" Sulpicia walked into the throne room.


"Can I come in?"

Caius nodded his head slowly.

"When was the last time you fed yourself?" She asked. Caius' dark circles under his eyes had gotten even darker and his eyes still pitch black.

If speaking truthfully; the man didn't even remember the last time he ate. Over a month ago, that's for sure.

When Caius didn't answer, Sulpicia knew that it clearly had been a while.

"Caius, you need to eat."

The blonde King just shook his head no.

"It doesn't do good to you if you don't eat."

"I will rest and eat when all of this is over and I have Juliana back." He muttered.

"What if Juliana wakes up tomorrow? She would see your state that you are in. She would be so sad to see you like this."

Caius sighed. "I will eat this evening. For her. For Juliana."

"Thank you." Sulpicia gave him a small smile.

"Did you have something else to say?" Caius asked.

"Actually yes." Sulpicia nodded suddenly, looking a bit uneasy.

"Go on then."

"Aro wanted me to ask you when would you be free to talk about Juliana's... funeral with him?"

"A what?!" Caius' head snapped to look at the woman. Fury filled him.

"It was Aro's question. Not mine. I truly want to believe that we will get her back." Sulpicia explained. "He really does believe that she's gone."

"She. Is. Not. Dead." Caius growled, his voice low and dangerous. "There are no funerals. I don't want to hear about this anymore, not even with one word. Tell him that."

"I will." Sulpicia walked forward and sat on Aro's throne. "So has something new come up with the searchings?"

"No. It's almost like they have vanished."

"No one can vanish just like that."

"Right. So where can they be?" Caius groaned in frustration.

"This might be just a crazy thought but what if one of them has a gift that they can hide or disguise their scent? Making it hard or almost impossible for anyone to find them."

"That might be a possibility, yes." Caius agreed.

Both of them then fell into silence for a few minutes before Caius spoke again.

"Everyday I wonder what if I would be dead instead of her. To let her live. I would do anything to let her live. But then again when I thought about it even more, I realized that then she would be sad, she would be the one who's broken."

Sulpicia didn't say anything. She just sat silently and listened. Caius needed it right now. She came to realize that this was the first time when Caius spoke about all of this to someone. He has been completely alone with all of this and with all of his thoughts. She felt so sorry for him.

"I hate when she's sad. It breaks my heart. When either of us is sad or overwhelmed we usually get in our bed, under the blankets and just hold each other. We whisper sweet things and praise each other. Tell each other how strong they are and how everything is going to be okay. When she holds me in her arms, my head resting on her chest and my hands wrapped around her; I feel like I could actually fall asleep in any second. It's the best place on earth."

When Caius talked about Juliana, Sulpicia started to see a new side of the ruthless King. Small parts of that side that yet only Juliana has seen. She felt so happy and honored that he felt comfortable enough to show some vulnerability to her.

"I know Aro doesn't believe you that she would wake up. But I want you to know that I believe you and I want to be here for you." Sulpicia smiled gently.

"But Aro's your mate and husband."

"Yes he might be my mate and husband but he can also be an absolute idiot and a complete dick very often." She rolled her eyes.

That made the corner of Caius' lip twitch up. That was the first time he had shown even a small sign of happiness since that day.

"Since we are talking about Aro, I remembered that I need to go and tell him that message that you wanted me to deliver to him." Sulpicia spoke standing up from the throne. She gave Caius a small smile before starting to walk away.

"Sulpicia." Caius called after the dark brown haired woman.

"Mhm?" She turned back around.

"Thank you. It was nice talking to someone."

A sweet small smile formed on her lips. "Of course. We can talk any time that you want or need, okay?"

"Okay." Caius nodded his head.

And just when Sulpicia left, someone stepped inside the room after her.

"Jane?" Caius stood up from his throne.

"I have news. About the vampires who killed Juliana."

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