Chapter 47

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**Sexual themes kinky**

(This whole chapter is pure smut. This is going to be a wild ride)

Playlist for this chapter:

I Am the Fire by: Ghost Monroe
I See Red by: Everybody Loves an Outlaw
Such a Whore (Stellular Remix) by: JVLA


"I'm gonna fuck you on my throne." Caius growled.

"What?" Juliana's eyes widened. "There is no lock on the throne room door. Anyone could walk in any time."

"Then we will give them a show right darling?" Caius smirked.

While Juliana was a bit taken back by Caius' sudden boldness she couldn't help but notice that at the same time she was extremely turned on by the thought of possibly getting caught.

Although Caius had set his mind on what he wanted to do he still saw the slight hesitation in her eyes.

"We are not going to do it if you feel even a bit uncomfortable. And remember when I said that I need to do some preparations. Those preparations were me making sure that no one would come to the throne room for the next four hours."

"I want to do it." Juliana nodded her head.

Caius smirked. "Do what my love? What do you want to do?"

"I want you to fuck me on your throne."

"Such a good fucking girl." Caius whispered in Juliana's ear making a shiver run down her spine. "Come." Caius took her hand in his and led her out of their room and down the hall.

Caius kept Juliana tightly beside him when they walked down the hall. Juliana glanced up at him but Caius just kept his head up and eyes forward.

Soon the two stood in front of the two double doors of the throne room. Caius opened the door and let Juliana walk in before walking in behind her and then shutting the door behind them both.

Juliana looked around the room. Almost like it was her first time being there. The room was empty and dimlitted. Juliana realized that Caius had done that since the throne room was usually kept bright with natural light.

Caius walked behind her and placed his hand on her arm. Juliana didn't turn around. Caius slowly trailed his fingertips from her shoulder to her elbow and then on her wrist.

"Sit on my throne." Caius lowered his face right beside Juliana's ear and whispered. Juliana immediately obeyed. She walked up to Caius' throne and sat down.

"Good girl." Caius praised her. He then came to stand in front of her so he towered over her. He just stood there for a minute, just watching her before he kneeled down in front of Juliana on the marble floor.

Slowly he started to trail his fingertips higher and higher on her legs. Starting from all the way down from her ankles, calfs, then her knees and lastly thighs.

Juliana looked down at Caius who was teasing her legs.

"I will take off your underwear. Is that okay?" Caius asked in a low voice, making Juliana nod her head.

"Good girl." Caius hooked his fingers under the waistband of her underwear and slowly started to move them down her legs. Juliana helped him to remove them completely and Caius put them in the pocket of his pants.

"So wet already. I can smell your sweet little cunt." Caius growled. "Who are you this wet for?"

"You." Juliana whispered.

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