Chapter 37

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(Juliana's POV)

Few days later after mine and Jasper's day together, I was sitting on the couch in my room when I remembered the diary.

I grabbed it from my bag and sat back down on the couch.

The diary was brown and the covers were made of leather. I know I shouldn't read it because it isn't mine but at the same time I had this feeling that I should read it.

I glanced at my room door and saw Jasper leaning against the door frame.

"I found this diary from my room back in Volterra. I didn't have time to look through it. I took it with me and was going to read it now." I explained.

"Do you want company?" Jasper asked.

"Yes please." I nodded, smiling.

Jasper closed the door behind him and came to sit next to me on the couch.

"I don't know if I should read it. Because it's not mine. But at the same time I have this feeling like I should."

"Do you think it's Caius'?"

"It has to be. Since it's not mine and no one else comes to our room. I haven't seen it before."

"Could it be from the time when you were... gone?" Jasper suggested.

Could Caius have kept a diary from the time when I was dead? To cope maybe?

"Well open it." Jasper told me.

I opened the cover slowly and looked at the beautiful handwriting on the first page. Caius' handwriting. I could recognize it anywhere.

'I'm not good at this... in keeping a diary. But Sulpicia told me to try so that maybe it would help. I doubt that really.'

'It's been a month since you were taken away from me. I will find those leeches. And when I do I'll...'

'Leeches... now I understand. When you had that vision of a marble breaking sound, a lighter falling through the air and one word echoing... leeches. The sound of marble was you being torn apart, the lighter was the one they tried to burn you with and the word leech... when I talk about them I use the word leeches. It all makes sense now. You had a vision of your future, your fate.'

'I miss you so, so much. But I will meet you again, I can feel it.'

Another day.

'You appeared to me today. You stood in front of me and stared at me... with those gorgeous eyes of yours. But there was something off about you. You would never talk to anyone like that.'

"It was almost like Caius was writing this to me." I mumbled quietly.

Jasper nodded and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Do you want to continue?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No. Not today. Maybe some other time. I need some time to think."

Jasper nodded understandingly and stroked the skin of my shoulder with his thumb.

I closed the diary and pulled it against my chest gently. I felt close to Caius this way.

Jasper could feel many emotions running through his little sister's head. He didn't know how to help so he just sat there and was present.

An hour went by before Jasper spoke again. "We talked about calling Demetri so we could talk about the memory loss with him being there as well as Carlisle, you and I. What would you say if we called later this evening?"

I was silent for a second before I nodded my head. "Yes. We should do that. Would Aiden be there?"

"Most likely. I have this feeling that Carlisle would like to speak with him." Jasper nodded.

"Yeah, probably." I agreed. "We can call Demetri."

Jasper placed a kiss on her temple. He was proud of Juliana since he knew that it was hard for her.

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