Chapter 11

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(With the Cullens)

The laptop's screen lit up in Cullen's house. Juliana's name pops on the screen telling them about the incoming video call.

"Who's calling?" Carlisle asked Rosalie who was closest to the laptop.

Rosalie glanced at the computer. Her eyes widening for a second before they grew sad again.

"It's... Juliana's number."

Everyone turned to look at her. Only one thought running through their minds.

Juliana is dead. But what if... what if it is her. Alive. Calling her family wanting to tell that everything is okay. That she's okay now.

Alice got up from the couch. She left the room and walked up the stairs to her and Jasper's room where Jasper was. She knew that he had heard their conversation so she decided to go check on him.

Alice knocked on the door once and then again before entering the room.

She closed the door behind her and turned to look at Jasper who was sitting on their bed and looking out of the window into the forest.

"I know you heard our conversation."

Jasper nodded his head.

"It's not her." He muttered.

"It's from Italy. Carlisle is about to answer the call. Do you want to come down with me and listen to what they have to say?"

Jasper didn't answer but just shook his head.

"Okay." Alice nodded her head and sat on the bed next to her mate.

They were silent for a minute before Alice spoke up again.

"You have been here in this room for a long time. Would you like to go to her room?" Alice asked gently.

Jasper hasn't left their room since the night when he found out about Juliana and that was a week ago.

He had first laid in Alice's arms on the living room floor for hours before she was able to walk him to their room.

"No." Jasper shook his head. "When she was in Italy away from me it helped me cope with the loneliness but now when she's..."

"It would just make things even worse." Alice completed his sentence.

Jasper nodded his head.

Alice stopped talking and together they stayed silent and listened when Carlisle accepted the call downstairs and Demetri's voice was heard.

"Good evening." Demetri started and Carlisle said the same to him.

"Caius asked me to inform you and your family that we have found out that the vampires who killed Juliana have left Italy and are heading to America. Jane, Alec and Felix are going there with a few other vampires that had helped us in searchings."

"Very well." Carlisle answered.

"And Caius wanted me to ask if you or someone in your family would like to help us in searchings? You obviously don't have to, we completely understand but more people to help would be nice to have."

"I'll join." Emmett's booming voice was heard.

"Me and the rest of my family will discuss this and inform you when we are ready." Carlisle explained.

"Very well then. Is it okay if Felix, Alec, Jane and the others ask a few questions about Juliana's past when they arrive? It would help us greatly in searching."

Jasper's head snapped up. Juliana's past? What could they possibly need to know about her past?

"If you find it necessary and it helps you then yes." Carlisle answered to Demetri. "Jasper will help you with that."

Jasper shot up from the bed and turned to look at Alice. "I'm not going to tell them anything! Carlisle can't just agree to that without asking me first."

"Love, if it will help them find the vampires, I think you should do it." Alice tried to get her mate to listen and agree.

"How would me telling them about her past help in any way?" Jasper snapped.

"We don't know that, but I know that Caius will do anything and will not stop before they find them. He loves her and if this will help I think it's the least we can do to help."

"Emmett agreed to go help them in searchings. If they somehow do find them it's going to be dangerous. I'm not going to lose another one from my family."

"It's his own choice and-" Before Alice could complete her sentence Jasper ran past her to the door using his vampire speed and then went downstairs.

"Jasper?" Carlisle asked when he appeared next to him and Emmett standing in front of the laptop.

"I'm not going to lose another one from my family. I lost my sister, I'm not losing a brother too."

"You won't lose me." Emmett tried to reason with Jasper.

"Yes, that's right. Because I'll have your back." Jasper said. "Count me in."

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