Chapter 26

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Sulpicia made sure that Juliana was alright after her bath and when she had gotten dressed Sulpicia left the room to give Juliana a bit of privacy to call her family.

Juliana sat on her side of the bed and took her laptop on her lap.

She opened the laptop and went to the video call. She chose their home number to call. Maybe if she called there, there would be bigger odds for someone to pick up. She didn't care who would pick up. She just wanted her family to know that she is alive and well.

Her finger hovered over the button. How were they going to react? They have been told that she was dead and then suddenly she just calls them like nothing had ever happened.

Juliana took in an unneeded breath and pressed the button on the computer. The screen went black for a second before the word 'home' appeared in the middle of the screen. It took a while for anything to happen. The call was connecting.

Then the screen went completely black again.

(With the Cullens in Forks)

Esme, Rosalie and Alice were sitting in the living room. Esme and Rosalie were reading a book and Alice was painting her nails next to them.

The three women had got a call from Carlisle half an hour ago where he told them that he, Emmett and Jasper were going to be home soon with Felix and Alec with them.

Suddenly the laptop on the other side of the living room started to make a noise telling them that someone was calling.

Everyone's head snapped towards the voice.

"It's probably Demetri." Esme said. "Maybe they have found something out."

"Wouldn't Carlisle and the others have said something when they called if they had found something out?" Rosalie raised her eyebrow and placed the book she was reading on her lap.

"I'll answer." Alice said and stood up from the couch. She walked up to the laptop and opened the screen.

Juliana's name read on the screen. Her expression fell sad when she saw it. The first time when Demetri had called and she had seen Juliana's name on the screen was a shock. But now they already knew that it wasn't her.

Alice pressed the button which accepted the call. The screen turned black for a second before it accepted the call.

(With Juliana, Juliana's POV)

I waited for a second before Alice appeared on the screen.

I smiled at her but didn't say anything. It took her a second to process what she was seeing before her golden eyes widened.

She opened her mouth, closed it again and then opened again.

"Hi Alice." I waved at my hand slightly and gave her a small smile.

"JULIANA!?" Alice then shouted when she was able to find the right words again.

In a second both Esme and Rosalie were on each side of her.

Esme slapped her hand over her mouth and Rosalie's eyes widened.

"Is this real?" Esme asked. "Are you really there?"

Before I could answer her Alice spoke up again.

"How the hell are you alive?" She yelled.

"I- I'm not sure. I just woke up." I tried to explain. Even I'm not sure. I hoped I could answer all of their questions. But I have the same questions as them.

"When did you wake up?" Rosalie questioned.

"A few hours ago." I answered.

"Does Caius know?" Alice then asked.

I was being bombarded with many questions.

"I haven't seen him. But he is here in the castle."

"Don't worry. He will come and see you as soon as he hears that you have woken up. They won't keep that kind of news from him." Alice spoke when she saw the sad look on my face.

"I don't know what to say." Esme spoke quietly.

"Where's Jasper?" I asked. I wanted nothing more than to see him and talk to him.

"He's not here." Rosalie started.

"But he and the others should be back any moment." Alice completed the sentence.

"Where did they go?" I questioned.

"Jasper, Carlisle and Emmett went to Eugene, Oregon with Alec and Felix."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why did they go there? And why on earth was Felix and Alec with them?"

"They went to look for clues of your killers. They thought that maybe Aiden would know something." Rosalie explained.

"He's one of the suspects because of your... past relationship with him." Alice said.

I was so confused. They went to see Aiden at his home. But Aiden is here.

"Well they went to the wrong place to look for him." I said.

"What do you mean Juliana?" Esme asked, looking as confused as the rest of them.

"Aiden is not in his hometown. He's here."

Their mouths fell open again.

"What do you mean he's there? Caius would never let him in the castle." Alice shook her head.

"I know he wouldn't." I nodded. "But maybe no one hasn't told him that Aiden is here." No one said anything so I continued. "You see. I haven't seen Caius yet. No one tells me anything about him. So maybe he doesn't know."

"I don't know Juliana." Rosalie shook her head. "Are you sure he's there?"

"Rose is right. Maybe you just need to rest. He can't be there." Esme continued.

"But I saw him. I spoke to him!" I said sternly.

"What did he say to you?"

"He looked really sad when he saw me." I rolled my eyes. "He called me baby and tried to manipulate me to believe that he is Caius. I'm not blind or dumb. I obviously can see that he's not."

"Well how did Demetri react to Aiden being there? Have you told him about him?"

"I have told him about Aiden. But it looked like he didn't understand why I didn't want him there. I can't understand why he did that."

"I'm sure he has a good reason." Esme tried to reason.

"I just don't understand why he is here. And I don't know where Caius is."

"What I think is that you need to rest now. We can call again tomorrow when Jasper and the others are back." Esme smiled at me and Rose and Alice nodded.

"Okay. That sounds good." I smiled at them.

"Okay. Rest well." Rosalie smiled at me.

"I'll try.

"We love you Juliana." All of them spoke at the same time.

"And I love you too. All of you."


When the call ended the three women turned to look at each other.

"We need to talk with Demetri. I think everything is not well there." Alice said, feeling worried.

"Let's call him tomorrow and talk. He has to know something."


The three were so incredibly happy that Juliana was alive and well. But now they seem to have a new problem. Something is happening in the Volturi castle and they need to know what it is.

Juliana is talking about Aiden and that no one tells her about Caius and that she can't find him anywhere. Something is going on. But what is it?

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