Chapter 48

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**Mentions of sexual themes**

Juliana was sitting on her bed when Caius walked in the room. He closed the door and then leaned his back against it.

"How did it go? Everything okay?" Juliana asked and closed her book that she was reading.

"The restlessness has increased. It becomes more brutal and there's more encounters between the vampires."

"So it has just gotten worse?"

Caius nodded while taking off of his cloak and throwing it on top of a chair. "We might have to intervene."

"You are going to Texas?" Juliana asked.

"It's not decided yet. I do hope I don't have to go." Caius walked up to her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Why?" Juliana furrowed her eyebrows.

"I want to be with you, my love." Caius smiled down at her, making her smile too.

"I'm going to be okay." Juliana assured him.

Caius shook his head. "I'm not leaving you alone."

"Then what is to be done? You're not letting me come with you because it's dangerous and I can't stay here alone."

"You could go to your family but I don't know if it's smart since we could be gone for just a few days."

"Then what other options do we have?"

"There is one. But I have to look into it more."

Juliana nodded her head. "Can I ask what it is?"

Caius was silent for a while before smiling slightly and placed a lingering kiss on her forehead and then cheek. "You don't have to worry about it, cara mia."

"When you say that I don't have to worry, it makes me think about it even more." Juliana flashed him a small smile.

"I would never put you in a place where I think you wouldn't be safe." Caius sat on the edge of the bed next to her.

"I know." Juliana placed her hand on top of his and gave him a smile. "Okay but now let's talk about something more nice. I have been thinking of the color theme of our wedding."

"Have you now? Well, have you decided anything yet?"

"White, black and red."

"White, black and red?"

"Yes. Well mostly white and black but with some red details."

"Hmm..." Caius hummed. The vibrations against Juliana's neck making a shiver ran down her spine. "I like it."

"You do?"

"I really do... remember what I promised you about our wedding night?"

"I remember something." Juliana smiled teasingly. "Can you say it again?"

"I promised to read my vows to you two times. First on the altar. Then later that night when we're alone, I will trace every letter of my vows with my tongue on your pussy."

"Do you promise?" Juliana batted her long eyelashes, her eyes big and innocent.

Of course Caius saw right through her innocent act and smirked before placing his lips again against her exposed neck and placing small teasing kisses on the skin.

"Te lo prometto." Caius whispered.

"Ti amo. Il mio re."

"Since when have you known Italian?" Caius smiled.

"I have learned a thing or two in my time here. Only important things." Juliana returned the smile and placed a kiss on his cheek. "You should speak more Italian to me."

"Would you like that?"

"Yes. Very much. It sounds so good when you speak it. I might not understand even half of what you're saying, but I don't care." She chuckled slightly.

"What my queen wants she gets." Caius nodded. "So you're okay with us keeping the wedding here? I don't know if I have ever actually asked you that. I'm sorry."

Juliana shook her head. "You're fine my love. Yes I'm completely fine with that. For as long as my family gets to be there that day."

"Of course." Caius nodded. "I wouldn't even want to keep the wedding if your family wasn't able to come. Because then you wouldn't be happy. And I won't let you be sad on your wedding day." Caius brushed a loose piece of her hair behind Juliana's ear before placing a sweet kiss on her cheek. "After that day you will officially be my queen."

Juliana smiled and leaned to rest her head on Caius' shoulder. "I can't wait. But how will me officially being your queen change things?"

"Maybe not that much. Your life here will be changing little to not at all."

Juliana nodded her head. "Good. I like my life like this." She smiled, making Caius smile too.

"I'm glad, darling."

There was a knock heard coming from the door. "Yes?" Caius asked and Demetri opened the door and stepped over the threshold.

"Demetri. What can we do for you?" Juliana smiled at the man while Caius gave him a small glare of bothering their conversation.

Demetri gave her a smile. "I'm sorry to bother you two, but I needed to come and tell you this." He said before turning to Caius. "It has been decided. We are going to Texas."

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