Chapter 44

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**Mentions of sexual themes**

Juliana stood on the small balcony of her and Caius' room. She watched how the sun rose higher and higher in the blue sky. It was quiet. Only a small group of sparrows chirped in the garden and the wind was blowing through the trees.

Juliana closed her eyes when the gentle wind blew against her face, danced through her long hair before continuing its journey.

Suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist and a chin rested on top of her head.

"What is on your mind?" Caius' deep voice asked in a calm voice.

"Nothing really. Just enjoying the lovely weather." Juliana answered with a smile on her face.

Caius hummed. "I really like this dress you're wearing. Looks so good on you." He kissed her temple.

"Is that so?" Juliana asked with a playful tone. She looked down at the dress she was wearing.

Very simple flowy summer dress, the hem reached down to her ankles. Made of white cotton fabric with some swirls of white lace on the waist.

"Yes." Caius nodded his head. "You look amazing in everything and nothing. But I have always especially liked these simple flowy dresses of yours."

Juliana turned around so she was now facing Caius. She looked up into his red eyes and smiled innocently. "And guess what?"

"What is it?"

Juliana rose on her tiptoes and placed her mouth right next to his ear before whispering. "I'm not wearing underwear."

Caius' eyes widened and a slightly possessive growl left his throat. He trailed his hands down Juliana's body. Down from her sides to her hips and from her hips to rest on top of her butt. And it was true, she wasn't wearing any underwear.

"Such a naughty girl." Caius whispered in her ear. "Standing here on this balcony in the direct sunlight. Knowing that if someone was to see you in some exact angle they would be able to see your silhouette through that thin piece of fabric."

Juliana didn't say anything. She just looked up at Caius and gave him a sweet innocent smile.

Caius massaged the skin of her butt through her dress. The massage was getting more rough and possessive by every minute.

"What if I just turned you around, placed your hands to rest on the railing, bend you over and fucked you right here right now while anyone could walk down the garden and see you getting fucked like you deserve?" Caius spoke in a low, husky voice. "They would see your face twist in pleasure, hear your pretty little desperate moans while you would continue to take this cock like the good fucking girl you are."

Juliana's knees grew weak by every word Caius spoke in her ear. But she wouldn't give in. No. Because she had a plan. A plan to tease and see exactly how long would both Caius and herself be able to resist each other. And when finally the string would completely snap, that would be the most perfect and passionate sex they have ever had.

"I promised to see Sulpicia." Juliana took a step back from Caius. "And I heard that you needed to see your brothers today."

Caius looked at her, his red eyes a much darker shade of red than normally. Then he took in an unneeded breath and nodded his head. "You're right. But tonight I want to take you out."

"Out? Like a date?"

"Exactly. So meet me in the garden at four."

"Okay." Juliana nodded and placed a kiss on his lips.

Caius kissed her back before pulling out of the kiss after a minute. "I love you." He muttered against her lips.

"I love you too." Juliana smiled.


Juliana couldn't wait for her and Caius' date. She was sure that the time would move incredibly slowly but to her surprise the time moved quickly. So quickly that soon enough she needed to say goodbye to Sulpicia and go back to her room to brush her hair and put on some jewelry before meeting Caius in the garden.

Juliana made sure her ring was on her finger, she put on a simple pair of pearl earrings and brushed her hair. She decided not to change her dress but she had put on a pair of underwear earlier before going to meet Sulpicia and kept them on just because she was going to a public place.

Juliana left the room and walked down to the garden. It didn't take long for her to spot Caius. He was sitting on a blanket on the grass by the pond. Juliana smiled and walked up to him.

"Hello my love." Caius spoke when he saw her. "Sit, please."

Juliana sat next to Caius on the thin white picnic blanket.

"These are for you, bella." Caius turned towards her and handed her a bouquet of white roses.

Juliana took the flowers and looked at them with a smile on her face. "My favorite. How did you know?"

"Oh my love. My job is to learn everything that you love and enjoy. Flowers are the smallest thing I can give you." Caius stroked the side of her face with his thumb. "I was thinking we could just sit here, watch the sun set slowly and look at the water lilies floating on the pond. Would you like that?"

"I would want nothing more." Juliana smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

And for the next hour the two watched the sky change color and wind make ripples on the water of the pond. It was nice and quiet. Just what both Caius and Juliana needed.

"I'm sorry to disturb you. But we have gotten some news that needs your attention." Felix spoke when he suddenly appeared in the garden.

Caius groaned in annoyance and got up. "This better be important." He spat at Felix and helped Juliana up from the ground.

"It's okay Caius." Juliana tried to calm him down. "We'll see what's going on and we can come back." She smiled and took her flowers with her.

Caius kissed her forehead and nodded his head in agreement.

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