02: The Day After

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The sun forces my eyes open and last night comes back into my mind and that is when I notice that the shower is running and the bed is empty. I try to find my clothes but they are not there.

I look for my phone and I have a few messages from my friends

Thato🥺❤️: Where are you?
Lerato🔥❤️: We need to go, where are you?
Sasha😌❤️: We are getting worried, where are you?
Neo💀❤️: You better be safe!
Thato🥺❤️: Just saw your note and the location share, love you, see you later❤️❤️ be safe!!

They were extremely drunk, and a smile at the thought of the antics they are getting up to hangs on my face.

"Good morning, I did not think you would be up yet."

"Good morning, this is late for me, where are my clothes?"

"Getting cleaned. I asked someone to buy you something in the meantime." how thoughtful.

"Thank you." usually, I would take the sheet and wrap it around my body, to cover myself but the alcohol still in my system, braves me up and I walk in the nude to the bathroom.

A pink sundress. It looks cute and it is something I would wear but he can't know that he even bought me shoes, thankfully they are flats. He also bought me underwear, which, I must say makes me think he thoroughly does things.

"I would like to have breakfast with you, today."

"Okay. Now?"

"We can go somewhere if you would like?"



"Okay." Not the one-worded answers after this man broke me yesterday. I have never in my life called a man "Daddy" my pride would not allow it, yet in a moment of sheer pleasure, it felt right to call him that, twice.

He pulls the chair for me before going to sit down himself.



"My surname."

"Oh, so I earned it, good to know."

"I mean, I have never called a man "Daddy" in bed before so I think so."

"Oh, so the big dick was not disappointing?"

"Not at all, but the things that tongue can do, had me seeing Jesus and his crew."

"How about the fingers?" he asks sliding them across my hand, he knows the game he is playing, quite well.

"Stellar performance, Daddy." but I also know how to play.

"No, Behave." my pussy is Victoria falls.

"Uhm, anyway, how long are you in St Tropez?"

"Two more days."

"Oh, I have one day left."

"And where do you go?"

"Johannesburg, South Africa, you?"

"London, United Kingdom." Shit, I'm fucked

"Oh, let's enjoy it while it lasts."

"You are leaving tomorrow?" a nod from me "Stay another day."

"I can't just stay another day, I have a life I need to get back to, the jet is already booked and St Tropez is expensive."

"I will lend you my plane, I can get you a suite at the Chateau..."

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