24: Regrets

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Darian has officially been in the world for three months, my mother went home a few days ago and we are hiring a nanny to help me.

I am going to therapy per Ms Jasmine's recommendation and the therapist suggested that I have Postpartum but we are working through it.

"Darius, remember to call James so he can help me find a good nanny." he stays in my house, he lives here and do we sleep in the same bed? Yes. When my mother left, we moved Darian's crib into my bedroom because it is just better if he sleep in the same room as us for now.

It is mostly for me because I do not like walking to the nursery when he cries. He started not sleeping when he was two months old and I do not know what the switch was.

"James works for me you know," he says before taking a bite of his breakfast

"Darius, do you want me to have help or not?"

"I did not say I would not send him over just saying that his job description," he leaves the words hanging in the air

"Well, I need help when you are not here and he is helpful."

"I realized mid-sentence. I will call him now so he can be here before I leave." a nod before I go to fetch Darian for his first meal.

"He is on his way." he always looked good in a suit, with his dreads in a pony, every time I looked at him, I just wanted to jump his bones but then I thought of the logistics of having sex and sex seemed less appealing.

"Okay, You coming back late?"

"I might, I have a busy schedule but if you need anything, I am willing to reschedule everything."

"Can James change a diaper?"

"Uhm, you will have to ask him or just make the nannies do it so you know that they can."

"Good idea. You really should stay for these interviews."

"I'm trying to be respected at work, princess. My competitors think I'm soft."

"You're a man, they probably think you are more responsible now with such a precious gift to lose."


"You should get ready, it's almost time for you to leave."

"I just can't take my eyes off you."

"Okay, Casanova."

"Just say you like me."

"Darius, get ready for work."

"Give me a second." is this what normal looks like?
"I like spending my time with you, Princess."

"Do you call me princess because I am younger than you?"

A chuckle "No, I call you that because it is what feels right."

"If you say so,"

"I mean it, I am being honest. I..." he gets interrupted by a call and I continue to nurse Darian.

He leaves and heads to his room, probably to get his work bag. After burping Darian, I place him on my back, in the sling, he is going to sleep but I know he wants to see things first so I allow him to stay on my back as I clean up the mess we made for breakfast.

I try to listen to a different artist every day so he can get used to different voices and sounds. He is learning to differentiate shapes well, he has not learned correlation but he will get there.

"I am off to work, I will see you two when I get back," he says before placing a kiss on Darian's forehead and mine, I enjoy this part of my day too.

My breasts slowed down the production of milk and I think I might be out soon. Instead of going to formula, my mother suggested we feed him liquid foods as he is nearly four months old. Ms. Jasmine agreed with her and so did Dr. Harris, he is our pediatrician.

Hopefully, I can get us to the fourth-month line. I can not believe I have kept a baby alive for this long. Thank God for my mother, Darius, and the other people around to keep him alive.

I can not wait for him to fall asleep before bathing so I usually just bring him with me to the bathroom, and put a good show on, he likes Totally spies. I was not about to let him watch those baby shows and get annoyed.

Sometimes I will even put Teen Titans on and he will smile and maintain good focus. He still has not said a word but he is not supposed to at this point, but I want something, even a little sound will be good.

"Bath time." as I remove him from my body, he starts crying, so I hold him as I fill the tub. He does this, he always wants to be near me, which I understand but I have things to do. "Baby, I have to let you go but only for fifteen minutes, it may feel like forever, but I am here." a kiss on the forehead and I press play.

Before getting dressed, we spend ten minutes, skin to skin, it's good for him, we bond this way. Darius also does this with him.

"Ms Tlali?"

"Coming." after getting dressed and ready, I head downstairs where James is sitting on my couch. "Hey, James, I am so sorry that I pulled you away from the work that you love to help me pick nannies but your boss wanted to be at work and I am stuck having to make decisions, I do not want to."

"That is okay, I am here to help."

"Thank you. Did he send you a list of who we are interviewing?"

"Yes. I saw one of the nannies used to look after the royal children."

"Yeah, Darius wants the best."

"I understand. What do you want?"

"The right fit, someone I can get along with but someone that he feels easy around."

"Mr Khalil?"

"No, Darian."

The process began and while they were amazing on paper, the reality of them being able to properly look after a black child, I doubted it.

After a full day of interviews, I felt hopeless.

"How did it go?"

"It didn't. I think we should look abroad for a nanny."

"What was the problem?"

"They were all white old ladies, nice, I am sure but..." the words barely know how to form in my mouth

"I will ask my mother if she knows any black nannies around and then we will look abroad."


"Where is my little guy?" we spend the evening together, the boys bonding while I cook, which I do not normally do, Darius does but I felt like it.

Darian goes to sleep quickly, which I love because that means, we can go to sleep early.

"I was thinking, maybe when we have figured out this whole nanny situation, we could go on a date."

"A date?" we are lying in bed, his hand on my waist



"Because I like you, do you not like me?"

"No, no, no. It is not that, I do like you, I just, it's just... A date?"

A chuckle "Nowhere fancy, a place with just us."


"Good." we carry on talking before he falls asleep talking about his favourite rugby game. Sleep covers us all and I am immediately dreaming about a life where we have a few more kids and I have a ring on my finger.

"Wake up!" I jolt from my sleep, awake and searching for the voice, I head to the crib first and he is not there. I rush to turn the light on and he is not there

"Darius, Darius. Darius!" he jerks from his sleep and rushes to my side "He is gone!"

My baby is gone.

Total Chapter Word Count: 1300 Words❤️


What do you think happened to Baby Khalil and what do you think this means for the date?

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