36: Man In The Mirror

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"Mama, Ausi, I am sorry for biting your heads off earlier, I was angry at someone else and had no right redirecting that anger to either of you."

"It's okay." my mother says as she wraps her arms around me.

I help them prepare the table and set the dishes before calling everyone to the table. Darian and Lewatle are seated at another table.

We enjoy dinner with light conversation before my father and brother go back to watch soccer while Darius has a phone call to make and my mother watches my baby and Lewatle.

"Tell me, how have you been surviving if Henry has not been giving you money?" she lets out a pained chuckle, she loved that man, and I can understand why it would hurt that he walked out.

"Darius gave me a lot of money a few weeks after you disappeared." he what? I can not believe that he would do that.

"Did you ask him?"

"No. He just gave it to me but I did not have any use for it until after Henry left."

"Is he ever coming back?"

"I don't think so, he emptied our house fund that was responsible for the rent and household affairs."

"Are you okay?"

"It hurt for a little but now, now I feel better. I have never needed a man, I am not about to start now."

"So what is next for you?"

"Thinking about moving back home for a little while so Mama can help take care of Lewatle and I can get a job."

"Good, you deserve to be happy and I know Henry did not make you happy."

"He did not." laughter erupts between us. "I just thought Lewatle was important enough for both of us that we would act like adults about it."

"He clearly does not care about either of you. You are both better off without him."

"We are. I am just mad it took so long for me to see that."

"At least you finally saw it, Amo. I love you and I just want you to find someone who will love you as much as I do."

"I love you too and I am happy you found someone who is willing to do anything for you, just like me."

We continue talking until Darian comes running to me while crying.

"Mama, mama, booboo on my leg!" picking him up, we walk back into the house so I can get a better look.

He scraped his knee, my sister hands me a bowl with water and disinfectant, I take a cotton ball and swipe away at it. He winces and keeps crying while his aunt tries to soothe him.

I place a Teen Titans Band-aid on him and he stretches his arms out, wanting to be held.

"In a minute, let me put these away." I throw out the water and throw away the ball and paper before grabbing him and holding him on my chest as he wraps his arms around my neck.

He has stopped crying but he is still sniffling. I decide to join my family in the living room. As I walk in Darius lifts his gaze from the TV and looks at me.

The seat next to him is empty so I decide to sit there. They are talking about the Banyana Banyana match that is now over.

"Is he okay?"

"He scraped his knee, he will be fine."

"Okay," he says before going back to the conversation. After a little while, his hand rests on my thigh, he is not grabbing it, just resting his hand on it.

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