12: Hey Daddy

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He went to work for a few hours and then came back to pack before going back for a meeting that lasted two hours. By the time we got on the flight, he was visibly tired but he still had a few conference calls to take while I took a nap.

He has an unhealthy relationship with his job, he proritised it over everything, even his health, I am assuming and he can not do that to my child. This baby has to be priority number one for both of us.

"You look so beautiful when you are sleeping."


"So innocent, would never know the brat you are."

"I am so not a brat."

"Exhibit forty-five."

"Wow, okay, Daddy, can you get me something to eat please?"

"I can not say no to that."

"I know." he chuckles as he stands up probably to go and make me something to eat. He comes back with lamb cutlets on a bed of vegetables. "Are you not going to eat?"

"I already ate, that is why I came to wake you up."

"Oh, I see, you ate first and said fuck you to your son."

"No, I ate first so I would have enough energy to cook for you "

"Okay. Can I get more juice?" he goes and gets one for me and places it in front of me before sitting next to me.

"Would you like a massage?"

"What would you be massaging?"

"Your feet, they look sore."

"They are." In a defeated tone, I admit

"Go lie down." he is probably washing the dishes. I lay on my side as my back hurts. He comes in and takes a bottle of oil out of his wardrobe.

My feet do feel better after he is done, he is currently doing my back, occasionally, caressing my breasts as he does.

"Right there." I groan

"Okay, baby." after a while I feel his lips on my neck,

"Darius, don't tease me right now."

"I am not teasing."

"But you are." he lets out a chuckle

"Bohlokoa, I could have you cuming faster than you can say my name, just say the word, if you want me to." I pull my teeth inbetween my lips as his whisper causes shivers down my spine.

"Well, fuck me, then."

"uh-uh, you have to ask nicely." I turn to face him

"Can you fuck me please?"

"Yes I can." this dickhead, he joins our lips together, pulling me into the facade we have created. He gets off the bed and pulls out a bottle of lube from the drawer.

While he is standing, I get on my knees and grab him by the belt


"Go with it." he shrugs before I undo his belt, while trying to maintain eye contact. Tugging his pants down, the bulge in his trunks screams for me to hurry my pace.

Opening my mouth, I shove as much of him as I can, gagging a bit, placing fingers around him to help me.

"Just like that," he groans lifting his head, enjoying himself,

After a while, he holds the back of my head and fucks my mouth

"Through your nose, princess." he says reminding me to breath "You look so beautiful." he whimpers out barely far from climax.

I pull him out of me, creating a frustrated Darius.

"Princess, why did you do that?"

"I want you to cum inside me." a smile grows on his face, he helps me up and onto the bed, he lies down allowing me to get on top of him.

He puts a lot of lube on his member before I allow him inside me.

"Fuck," we whine as he enters me, he holds my waist and begins to ram into me, being gentle but intentional with each stroke.

Pregancy has brought with it, easier orgasms and I am happy but it also means we need to use tons of lube due to how sensitive my vagina is.

"Darius, I am close."

"You can cum for Daddy." he honestly uses this daddy thing as a power play but it works. As I cum on his dick, covering it in my juices, he cums inside me.

"That felt great, thank you."

"I aim to please." he says relaxing into the bed before I relax on his chest.

When we landed, he dropped me off at my apartment so I can decide what I am leaving with. I know that I want most of my clothes donated because I doubt, even after birth, that I will be able to fit into them.

I am taking my laptops and hard drives, they are invaluable to me and I need them to do my work.

"Babe, you did not tell me you were back." she says leaning on the threshold with a bowl in her hand.

"I wanted to surprise you."

"You definitely did. What did he say?" I explain to her everything that happened in the week that I was in London and what is going to happen.

"So when are you leaving?"

"Uhm, I do not know, we are going to visit my parents, then my sister so I don't really know if I will be back here before the baby is born. I mean I have to furnish a house, buy some baby things and also find a birthing clinic, I also have to adjust to life in London but you guys need to visit after the baby is born." she nods

"Let me leave you to finish packing. I am going to call the girls and we can have dinner together for the last time?" a nod, she smiles and retreats back to her room.

I have a bookshelf that I made myself back in University, bought a bunch of wood, nails, screws, drills and so much other stuff and when I moved in with Lerato, I made my own floating bed, the night stands and the dresser.

I doubt I will be able to bring this with me and I doubt I will be able to build anything anytime soon,

"Can I get the chicken schnitzel with a side of rice and fries, as well as a large apple juice please?" I ask as I am the last to order, I did not know what I wanted

"So have you started thinking of names?"

"I know that Darius and his family are going to pick the first name while I am giving him one of the family names, either my dad's or my uncles."_

"So what his Darius like?"

"I don't know, we have not spent time getting to know each other."

"So what did you do the past few days?"

"Uhm." fuck "We got busy." they all release cheeky laughs

"Okay girl!" Sasha applauds

"We will get to know each other."

"Sure!" in unison they retort

"You guys are not being nice to me."

"I am sorry, we just do not believe that you will get your vulva off his lips." my jaw dislocates from my face

We enjoy the rest of the night together, even going for ice cream and a screening of a movie. It is great to spend time with my friends and enjoy their company for the last time in a while.


Chapter word count: 1212 words❤️❤️

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