41: She devils

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She is sitting in a conference room in his office building. James thought it best, which proves to me that he does not know the thoughts swirling in my mind.

This girl assaulted my partner, I am not willing to "just" talk to her. I want her to suffer, unless he wants something different, I will make her suffer.

She sits in a navy blue suit, her make-up and hair done meticulously. She is on her phone scrolling.

"Hello, what is your name?"

"Lana Smith."

"Do you know why you are here, Lana?"

"I was told, Mr Khalil would like to speak to me."

"No. I wanted to speak to you, specifically about 13 May 2021."

"What about that day?" a smile on my face as I place the screenshots of the video in front of her.

"Tell me about the night you assaulted my man." the colour drains from her face.

"A lady threatened to kill my child if I did not do it."

"You were paid for it."

"Yes but she threatened to kill my child, I would do anything to protect my baby."

"So you assaulted my hus... partner? Who is the lady?"

"I do not know her name." pulling out a picture of Emily and I show it to her. "That is her."

"Do you have her contact information?"

"A number from that year, I do not know if she still uses it."

"You are going to call her and tell her to meet you at this address." it is an abandoned warehouse outside of the city.

"What if she does not answer?"

"You better pray to whatever you believe in that she does. I am going to ask those two lovely gentlemen to take you to the warehouse, you will call her from there asking her to meet you there." I stand up, ready to have her out of my sight.

While everything in my body is telling me to rip her to shreds, I need her to get to Emily. Darius has been trying to find her since he killed Arséne, but he was unable to.

I get home and Darius is still in his study where he has been since last night.

"Mama!" he runs to me,

"Walk." he walks to me and I pick him up. "How was your day?" he shrugs his shoulders. "Are you hungry?" he nods and we head towards the kitchen.

I place him in his high chair and make him lunch before I get ready to make his father food as well.
He has not spoken a word since he watched the video and I can not blame him.

Three knocks before I open the doors and find him lying on the floor. "I made you lunch." I place it on the table and stand beside it.

"I am not hungry."

"You need to eat."

"Bohlokoa, I am not hungry."

"I will leave it here." I open the door and Darian is walking towards me "Your son would like to see you." he nods and I allow Darian inside.

He runs to his father who opens his arms and wraps him in his embrace.

"I missed you."

"Me too." if I could, I would remove all the pain he feels inside, the doubt, the fear, I would take it all and carry it for him.

Darian falls asleep in his father's arms and he carries him to his bed. I extend my hand but he does not take it.

He shuts me out of his study and I do not want to push. I head to my study, if he needs space I will give him that.

My phone rings, and it is Lana. "Hello?"

"She has agreed, and will be here at seven pm."

"Okay." my hands cupping my face, I brace myself.

Three knocks and no sound. Another three knocks and still no answer.

"Darius, I am going to meet with Emily and Lana, would you like to come?"

"Wait a minute." I wait for him, he comes out with his hair up and a new shirt.

I do not say a word as he drives us there. He needs his space, he needs time to process what he is going through.

"I am here for you, whatever you need, whenever you need me." he nods.

We walk into the building and Lana is standing in front of Emily who is being restrained by David and John.

"Finally," she says "What do you want?"

"Why would you do that? What did I do to you?"

"You wasted twenty years of my life."

"What does that even mean? You left me on the alter!"

"Because I was unhappy! I gave you the best years of my life, my family was proud of me, and I had a great future but you dragged your feet towards marriage and you did not want kids, you were not ready to be a father."

"Why would you hire someone to fucking assault me?" while he looks scary at this moment, I know he will not hurt her, he can not, he is too much of a gentleman. "Nothing I have done to you, justified that."

"To you."

"And you, why would you agree to do that to someone?"

"She threatened to kill my child."

"Emily, your mind is twisted, you are sick."

"And you are pathetic."

"Don't call him pathetic when you're the one who had him assaulted! You are pathetic and a waste of space." I get in front of her "And I can not wait, to see you dead but first you admit what you did."


"Admit it! Admit what you did!" Lana has tears in her eyes,


"They need to admit what they did! They need to admit it."

"It's okay. I know, I know." he cups my face

"Get it over with," Emily says and I get out of his hold and run to hit her. She is still being held by David. I get a few punches in before Darius pulls me from her and holds me in his embrace.

"Princess, it's okay, It's okay."

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he says, loosening his grip on me, I try to compose myself. "What do you want to do?"

"Let them go."

"Not an option."

"What do you mean?"

"We could let Lana go but not Emily."


"She threatened our son, twice and she wanted to destroy you! She is not going to stop until you have nothing but the skin that covers your bones."




"Darius, I want her gone. Dead." he lets out a sigh "And I am going to do it."


"There is no talking me out of it, I want her gone."

"John, take her home." He nods before pulling her away. "You don't want to do this, Darling."

"I do. I will deal with the consequences." he lets out a sigh and his resolve breaks.

"You won't. I will have someone deal with the consequences."


"No, if you want to do this, at least let me help you."


Total Chapter Word Count: 1185 Words❤️


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