33. More Than A Woman

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It is safe. You can come home.
From: Darius.

My first instinct was to confirm the message by calling Amo.

"He called me yesterday to tell me that he was going to send you a message."

"Oh, he says it is safe to go home." she starts crying.


"I know. I am coming to you before going back to London."

"Please do, I miss little Darian."

"He misses you too. Okay, let me get to packing. Can you give me his number?"

"Okay." she recites the number and I jot it down in my notes. "Got it?"

"Yeah, thanks, Amo, I love you."

"I love you too." we hang up and I make my way to a friend of Darian's house.

I make my way through the gate and head to the garden where I know the boys are. Gladys has always taken care of Darian when I was busy working.

"Hey," Darian runs to me and hugs my feet. "Hey, my little bee."

"Hi Mama!" he lifts his hands, gesturing he would like to be picked up. I agree to lift him and place him on my waist.

"Gladys, thank you for taking care of him."

"Anytime. Dami and I love having him over."

"Good. We have to go visit family in southern Africa and I do not know when we will be back but when we are, I will visit you first."

"Oh, what for?"

"To visit my sister."

"Travel safe and have a lovely stay."

"We will. You two stay safe."

"We will, say goodbye Dami," The boys say their goodbyes before Darian and I leave and make our way home.

"Are we leaving?"

"Yes, we are, baby boy."


"Because we are going to visit Mama's sister." he continues watching Adventure Time as I pack our bags. Making sure to remember the important things. It is a long flight back home.

After dinner, I get on my laptop and book two first-class flights to Cape Town. After booking our accommodation, I get into my Skype account.

"Darian please come here." he comes running "What did I say about running?"

"Sorry, Mama."

"We are about to call Daddy so I need you to be nice." he nods and I click to call.

After a few moments, it connects. There he is, with his beard, locks, and nose. There are tears in his eyes as he and Darian talk. I am unable to hear what they are saying because I am stuck on how he looks.

"You are so big now, I can not wait to see you."

"You know me?"

"Yes, I know you, Darian. Although I have not been around for a few years does not mean that I do not know you."

"Come on, it is bedtime." he nods

"Good night, Daddy," he says waving his little hand in front of the screen.

"Good night, Little one."

"Straight to bed." he nods "I will be right there." he waddles to his room.

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