31. Meeting In My Bedroom

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After the bonfire, he pulled me away and we ended up back in the pod. Darian was put to sleep before the bonfire to keep with his schedule at home and Darius spoke to Emily, I was not entirely comfortable with it but I had no reason to oppose and so I spent the entire night talking to his sisters and family while he was talking with his ex-fiancé.

Was I a bit jealous? Maybe, she was his ex-fiancé after all, someone he envisioned a forever with, no way he is completely over her.

When everyone began to leave, I am guessing he noticed and pulled me away from his sister and while I was desirous, he softened my walls and reasoned with me.

"Emily and I happened, in the past. Me and you are happening now, I would not let that, ruin this." who can argue with that logic, apparently, not me.

We lay on the bed in each other's arms, resting, we do not do this often. Either we are having sex, Darian is in between us or he is at work. I thought having Darian around would make him slow down but he is not allowing his familial reposiblilites to keep him from his work and I do not like that.

"I want to go home for the Christmas holidays."

"Darian would spend his first Christmas with your family."

"Yes but he will spend his first birthday with your family, that is fair and your family can afford to spend Christmas in South Africa."

"That is not the point."

"Is Christmas not about family?"

"It is but..."

"There is no but. I miss home, I miss my family and they deserve time with my son."


"It is not like I am going to stay there forever."

"True. I worry that if I let you get far enough, you will not come back."

"Darius, I came all the way to London, leaving everything I know behind so you can raise your son, I am not one to go back on my word that easily." he nods but uncertainty is still looming over us "What is it?"

"Nothing you should worry yourself about."

"Darius, you have to be honest with me."


"You have to."

"Fine." he takes a deep breath and faces the ceiling. "I worry that life here is not enough for you. You do not have a support system here and while I want to be delusional enough to believe that Darian, myself and my family are enough. I fear that in your pursuit of more, you will leave me behind."

"I will not leave you behind, Mr Khalil." he turns his head to face me and there is a sincere smile on his face. "I won't leave you, not unless you give me a reason to."

"I won't."

"Then I won't leave." his lips on my forehead, I am guessing that meant a lot to him.

We fall asleep in each other's arms, like on many other nights. When I wake up, however, he is not there. I call his phone and it takes me to voicemail.
It is better to assume that he went somewhere and he will pop in anytime.

I take time in getting ready, and by the time I am done with my make-up, he still has not answered any of my calls which is strange for him because his phone is glued to his ear.

Making my way out of the pod, I decided to look for him before going to check on Darian. I do not want to be worried when I am with my baby.

"Dasean, have you seen your brother?"

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