47: Avatar

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"Okay, settle down."

"I am going to open it now." we hold the envelope and take a deep breath before opening it.


We look at each other before relaying the words on the page. Danika and Destiny are the first to stand up and envelop us in their embrace before we get a group hug.

"She is going to love me." Desean comments eating the rest of the cake.

"Sure." the room bursts into laughter at Darius' comment.


We are in Johannesburg for Sasha's wedding. It is at the end of the week.


"No, Darius."


"Darian and Denise?" he nods "No."

"I will find the perfect name."

"I bet, you will tell me as I am pushing her out."


"Yet another thing I have to think about while giving birth."

"I promise to come up with a great name before you give birth plus give me some credit, Darian was early."

"Yeah okay. It also does not have to start with D."

"Yes, it does. Family traditions are family traditions."

"Technically then the names would have to start with the letter E." he takes a moment to think about it and when I do not hear a rebuttal, I know I got him.

We are wearing lilac, I have to go for a final fitting to make sure the dress looks good given the bump I currently have.

"Baby, you think I am fat?" I ask him as I get out of the car.

"Yes, and you look sexy." I furrow my eyebrows "You do not have to be skinny to be sexy, Princess." he wraps his arms around my waist "You still turn heads, don't worry." he whispered into my ear before leading me into the shop.

The dress needs to be tighter and the seamstress assures me that it will be done before Friday, which is the day before the wedding.

"Oh, you are so pregnant!" Amo greets us as we enter the restaurant. We invited her to lunch so that we could catch up.

"No shit, Sherlock."

"You look good, stunning."

"Did he pay you to say that?"

"She won't believe me when I say that she is beautiful."

"He did not pay me, I just like the way pregnancy looks on my baby sister."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, we are having a girl."

"That is amazing! I have always wanted a girl. Have you decided on a name yet?"

"I know what her middle name is but he is yet to come up with a great name."

"I suggested Destiny and she shot me down."

"I love your sister but I don't want to name my daughter after her. Also Darian and Destiny? No."

"Do you want them to rhyme?" she asks

"No, to feel like they are siblings and none of the names he has suggested give off that feeling."

"I will get a name, a great one."

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