51: Epilogue

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Today is Dior's first day of high school.

I wanted her to go to boarding school, like I did but she spoke to her dad and brother and they made a slideshow on the reasons she should not go to boarding school.

Some included;
•she is just a baby
with a baby picture of her and a picture of her smiling from her picture day.
• Who is going to be your shopping partner if you ship her away?
•Don't break apart our family.

I will not lie, they made valid points, and I could not argue against them. Darian tested out of high school at ten and is doing his final year in MSci physics at seventeen.

Both my babies are amazing individuals, raising them has been one hell of a ride and we tried our best.

Darian is a more of an introvert and a recluse while Dior is a manipulative social butterfly. They both have amazing personalities for their careers they are choosing.

Dior will make an excellent CEO and Darian will make an exceptional scientist at the European Space Agency.

Darian is planning on moving to Paris next year with his "friend" as he got a job offer to work at the European Space Agency as an astrophysicist.

"Ma, have you seen my school bag?"

"Check your room."

"I did and it's not where I put it." she whines

"I meant to check other places in your room. Darian go help your sister."

"Why do I have to help her?"

"Because it is her first day and she is stressed."

"How is that my problem?"


"Fine." he trudges away from the island and up the stairs.

"You are on fire this morning," he says smiling as he drinks his coffee. He has welcomed the silver fox lifestyle with his salt-and-pepper hair and beard.

"You get turned on by anything I do."

"Have you met you? If you were me, you would have a hard dick all the time."

"We call those boners, Sir."

"See what I mean, you make dropping the kids off seem like an option."

"I mean the pantry is right there," I say before placing a grape in my mouth.

"Do not tempt me, love."

"But tempting you is so fun."

"Fucking you is even better."

"Eww!" Darian and Dior look at us in disgust.

"Eavesdropping is a bad habit," he says

"Are we not allowed to exist in our home without you two trying to get it on?" we shrug.

"Come on. You will be late."

"Are you not coming?"

"I am, I just need to fetch my gloss." she hands me the tube of gloss, "My bag." they point to it at the edge of the counter. "Oh, thank you."

Darius opens the door for me before heading into the driver's seat.

"Ma, William wants to go camping this weekend, can I go?"


"Uhm, Dartmoor, his parents will be there."

"Why are we not invited?"

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