48: Christian

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We did our maternity shoot in the Maldives. The pictures are amazing and I love how happy I look compared to the ones with Darian. I am enjoying this pregnancy more than I did the first and I am glad, I got the opportunity to be pregnant again.

It has helped me love and appreciate my son more and I know when this little bean is born, I will love them fiercely as well.

"Baby!" I am laying in front of the fireplace "I need doughnuts."

"Here you go." he places the treats on the table before he takes a seat. "I have a name idea."

"Hit me."

"Dintle," he says it perfectly.

"No. She can not have two sotho names."

"Says who?"

"Me, Darius."

"Fine." he lets it go and we enjoy the doughnuts and hot chocolate.

We make it through Christmas and she is still not here. It looks like she wants to be born in the new year.

We are headed to the New Year's Eve party that Desean is throwing. I am excited to celebrate New Year's with him. Darian is staying at home with his grandparents.

We are greeted at the door by a waitress who hands Darius a glass of champagne. "I will get you some juice," he says before going to get me a drink. I look for Destiny or Danika.

"You are Darius's girlfriend, Bk?" a gentleman asks and I look at him trying to see if I recognise him.

"Yes, I am. I don't believe we have had the pleasure of meeting?"

"No, we have not, my name is Kevin, Desean's date..."

"Oh, he brought a date?"

"Yes and, you look amazing." for a pregnant woman, a heavily pregnant woman that was the best compliment I could ever hear.

"Thank you, I try my best given my current situation."

"You work it well."

"Thank you, your name again?"


"It is nice to meet you, Kevin, let me go join my boyfriend he looks lonely." we giggle before I make my way to Darius who is holding a whiskey in one hand and a juice in the other.

"It is cranberry."

"Thank you. I met Desean's date."

"Desean has a date."

"His name is Kevin, he seems sweet."

"Good for him, you think he is going to stick to it?"

"Hopefully, they will work out."

"We'll see." he is so pessimistic when it comes to Desean.

"Have a little faith, Darius."

"Fine." we mingle for a while and have some fun, I am enjoying this night out with him.

Five, Four, Three, Two, One! Happy New Year!

We join our lips and as I pull away, I notice Desean kissing Kevin.

"We made it to Twenty Twenty Seven, still no daughter."

"She is taking her time, making sure she enjoys the time spent near mommy's heart." he giggles.

"What about, Dior?"

"As a name?" Darian and Dior? Dior Khalil? Dior Botle? Dior Botle Khalil?

"Yeah, that could work."

"Yeah?" a nod and he lifts his hands in the air. "Dior Khalil!"

"Dior Botle Khalil."



"Of course. That is a beautiful name."

"For your prettiest girl."

"Who you?" a giggle from me before I join our lips again.


We decided to have a New Year's lunch for the whole family. Since my family is here for the birth and so is most of his family, we would not be able to do it at his parents' house so we are hosting again.

The tables are set in our garden under a white marquee tent. We hired a team to cook because we would not be able to cook for that many people alone.


I have been having contractions for a few hours now and I am only a few centimetres dilated. I asked for Ice cream, I am in pain and if there is one thing ice cream is good at, it is making me forget how bad pain is.

"Baby please massage my back." he comes beside me to help massage my back and I am currently in immense pain.

We are still at home because Ms Jasmine said I should wait until I am around five centimetres dilated before heading to the hospital.

"Let's go to the hospital, I feel like she is coming."

"Okay." everything is already in the car. He helps me up and into the car.

He called Ms Jasmine and Doctor Stevens on the way to the hospital, we called his family and mine who are staying at our old house.

He called his friends as well before group calling my friends. Compared to my first pregnancy everyone is in here.

"I need some water."

"I'll get some." Destiny answers. I am breathing through this. This is my family's third grandchild and his family's second grandchild. But she is the first girl on both sides and that is special.

Two hours of walking around ends as I am fully dilated. I am on my knees, my hands holding onto his biceps while his hands caress my back.

"Can you tell everyone to leave?" he nods

"Can everyone leave?"

"Except our moms." Chlöe and I have gotten closer with every day and her being here for Darius makes me happy.

"Okay, Bk, push." looking at the bed sheet, I push through the pain.

"Ahhh! Oh fuck!!"

"You can do this, Princess." he is right, I did it once.

"Push!" he motions for me to mirror his breathing.

"Bohlokoa?" he is looking at me intently.

"I can't do this." tears running from my eyes.

"Think about getting to finally hold her in your arms," he says before placing a kiss on my forehead. "Her head is already out."

"Push." with all my might, I push and feel them pull her out.

"You did it!" he says joining our lips as he pulls away, I throw up all over his chest.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." the nurse leads him to the bathroom, he comes back without his shirt.

"I'm really, sorry, baby."

"It's okay, now I get to walk around shirtless." his mother chuckles before diverting her attention back to her perfect grandchild.

After a moment, everyone is told that the baby is fine and that I am alive. After some time, I fell asleep. No longer being able to keep my eyes open.

At five kilograms and sixty centimetres, Dior Botle Khalil, the second heir to the Khalil throne, was born on the fifth of January twenty twenty-seven at twenty-five minutes past ten.


Total Chapter Word Count: 1088 Words❤️

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