26: Needy

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I could not get to South Africa fast enough but Tyrique was my only lead right now.

I needed to figure the entire situation out fast enough. I have forty-nine hours left and I am not close to finding Arsène.

My burner rings and I pull it out while Darius is making me food. "What you got?"

"Searching his name sets off a trip wire."


"Trackable. Needs to be constantly set off to know where they are."

"Okay, thank you."

"Send the coins and this was fun." he loves a good chase

"Will be adding extra for that comment." he laughs before hanging up. I transfer the remainder of his three million fees.

I send Darius to buy me a new laptop and wifi lamp. While he is doing that, I follow the money from Tyrique's account to where I hit a wall and place the location on the wall.

He sets up the lamp for me as I track the location of the TV or rather our Bluetooth hack. While they do not give his location away, they may be able to point me to the type of scrambler he uses and I may be able to get behind its firewalls.

Taking a ten-minute break to eat my sandwich before I set up the trap for the trip wire. So when I search for Arsené on the internet, he will have my location but I will have his as well.

"Darius!" he walks in clueless, he is a shell of himself without Darian "I am about to do it."

"Okay, I am going to get some exercise."

"Okay." instead of leaving, he comes and sits beside me as I type in Arsené and waits for the Bing on my other laptop.


I check the address and it is a factory outside London. We get Peter ready to go with us. We want to make sure it is the right one before leaving, would not want to come home sadder than when we left.

As we sit in the car, our hands are on the leather seat and his pinky is interlocked with mine. Focus! Focus! I hope I did not fuck up.

Peter goes in before us, we follow close behind him.

"You made it!" his accent is heavier in real life. Guns were facing us from every direction.

"Where is my son?"

"Right here but before I hand him over, we are going to trade; you for your child."


"I wanted to know if you were good enough to be on my team and you are."

"So you are blackmailing me into working for you?"

"No, incentivizing. You want your son back, I need you to work for me." As much as he annoys me, Darian is my son and I love him more than anyone in the world.

"There..." Darius tries to negotiate but I know Arsené, he does not reason well


"Good. Here he is." he looks okay, and I immediately hand him to Darius, "Go."



"I am not leaving here without you."


"How much can I pay you for her?" Darius asks Arsené

"She is invaluable."

"Darius, please."

"Everyone has a price, what is yours?"

"Her. She is the price."

"I am willing to pay anything."

"I do not lack for money, I have too much of it."

"There has to be something, anything besides her."

"Do you know the things she can do? The type of asset that she is?"

"Well, she is the mother of my son and I will be damned if I let you take her from him."

"There is nothing you can offer me that will supersede her talent."

"How about getting you off the wanted list?"

"Which one?"


"If you can do that, then maybe we can reach an agreement that she can work from home."

"That's not..."

"That is what I am willing to take." he interrupted

"It's fine." I agree. Darius glares at me "He will get you off the list and I will work for you but you never, touch a hair of my son's body ever again."

"Deal. You can be on your way. I will contact you." we retreat and make our way back to the car, Darian still in his father's arms.

As we get him to sleep, my hands are shaking and I feel nauseous, I try to take a deep breath but I feel tears streaming down my face and my breaths short and fast, I try to move my body but I am frozen, unable to do anything. What if he died and it would have been all my fault?

"Bohlokoa?" his arms wrap around me "He is safe, you are safe," he whispers into my ear, holding me until my breathing goes back to normal.

"Thank you," I say trying to get out of his embrace but he does not let me go. "Darius?"

"Give me a second." I wrap my arms around his torso and we stay like this for a long moment before he pulls away. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. Are you okay?"

"I think so. I just need to sleep." as I get into bed, I feel uneasy, leaving him away from me. I get out of bed to fetch him, Darius watches me and opens the blankets for us. "I do not want him far."

"That is fine." 

"What if we lost him?" I place a kiss on his forehead, he may annoy me but he is my little annoying baby.

"Thankfully we didn't."

Total Chapter Word Count: 934 Words❤️


Darian is safe and at home.

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