44: Paris

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Darian's grandmother has picked him up, She was here earlier than we expected but it shows her enthusiasm. Darian is still getting used to his paternal family and they adore him and he is beginning to feel safe.

"Hey, babe." I wanted to call Sasha before I forget. I am packing my handbag, Darius said I should only take the essentials.

"You can not drop out of the wedding, you have to be there, you promised."

"Oh well, me and my pregnant belly will love to make an appearance at your wedding."

"You are pregnant again?" elation in her voice.


"Oh my God, have you told the others?"

"Not yet, I would like to tell them later on so could you keep this between us for now?"

"Of course. How is the baby daddy?"

"He is good, we are actually going to Paris today."

"Oh wow, I love this for you. Take pictures and share with us."

"Okay, okay. Do you still want me to be a part of the wedding party?"


"Okay, I have to go, we will talk sometime soon, okay? I love you."

"I love you. Bye." I hang up before going to the car where Darius is ready to leave.

A spontaneous trip to Paris. It is as romantic as it sounds. An hour and a half on the flight and when we land, he drives us off to a café so we can have breakfast.

"This is going to be the first time, I am not with Darian since he was a baby."

"How are you holding up?"

"I am enjoying it." he raises his glass of whiskey. "I wonder if this new one will be like him?"

"In what sense?"

"Darian is a carbon copy of you and I wonder if I will get another you."

"What's wrong with multiple versions of me?"

"Where do we start..." he clears his throat and a giggle comes out of me. "What do you think the baby will be?"

"I want a girl."


"I always wanted a girl, the bond between father and daughter is different. My dad adores my sisters and I would like to love someone like that."

"That is a good reason, a great reason. I want someone who will go shopping with me."

"You want to bankrupt me."

"Is that even possible?"

"You can definitely try," he calls the waiter for the bill before we leave and head towards the Golden Triangle.

We are holding hands as we walk down the busy Parisian streets. I am wearing heels and now I realise the mistake I made.

We get to the Dior store and are greeted by an eager sales assistant.

"I would like some sandals, my feet are dying." Darius chuckles and the assistant, Jean, leads us to where the sandals are and Darius helps me out of the heels and into the sandals. "Okay, that is better." We browse around the store and after picking a few dresses out, I fit them all before we leave the store and head to Chanel.

Darius called John to bring the car and he placed the Dior bags in the car. When we are done in Chanel, we head to Hermés before going to Prada.

We stopped by Dolce&Gabbana, Celine, and Valentino but I did not fall in love with anything that was put in front of me.

We bought perfume at Bulgari, he also got cufflinks and an engraved bracelet. When we got to Elle Saab, he handed more of our bags to John.

I have always wanted an Elle Saab dress and the opportunity to buy anything of theirs is an absolute pleasure of mine.

We stopped by Stefano Ricci to get Darius something to wear then headed to PHM Saint Pères, for him.

After going to Givenchy, Moncler, Louboutin, and Cartier, we headed to The Ritz. He has a house outside the city but I wanted to stay at The Ritz and he said yes.

"Sir, James asks that you answer your phone," John tells him as we sit on the balcony enjoying crepes. He pulls his phone out of his pocket to call James.

"Okay... I hear you... Put her on... Yes... I see... As you see fit. Thank you for the call."

"What is that about?"

"They found my replacement and they wanted to run it by me."

"Oh, so you really are retiring?"

"Yes, I told you."

"I thought you were kidding."

"Why would I joke about something that affects you so dearly? I know my working makes you unhappy and I do not want to displease you."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Therapy, get a hobby or something to that effect. I am still the Chairperson of the board so I am not completely removed from the company." a nod to show that I understand.

"How is therapy going?" he shrugs "You promised to try."

"I am, it is just not what I thought it would be."

"Talk to me."

"I thought we would talk about the incident, he wants to talk about my childhood."

"That is important too."

"My childhood was fine."

"I think you do not want to rip off the band-aids because it is new and frightening but you said you would try to be vulnerable." he sighs

"I am trying, I merely wonder why we have to address my childhood."

"If you want to talk about the incident talk about it, lead the conversation, the guy may be deflecting because you are tip-toeing around the incident."

"The only way over is through." he takes a sip of his whiskey as I spread Nutella on a crepe.

"I hope this pregnancy is not like with Darian."


"I was depressed during that pregnancy and I could not fully enjoy everything that was happening due to how twisted my perspective of it all was."

"We will see with time."

"Thank you for being my pillar, I don't thank you enough but you carried me through some tough times and I could not have asked for a better partner than you." he takes my hand and plants a kiss on the backside.


Total Chapter word count: 1034 Words ❤️

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