10: The Dotted Line

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"These are papers to two trusts, one for the baby and one for you, I will speak to my lawyers about getting you an immigration lawyer, this will be your lawyer, not mine and I will pay for it." I nod before drinking the juice that he poured for me "My parents would like to meet you."

"Oh, well, they can meet me when I come back."

"When are you coming back?"

"I do not know, of course, I have to pack a few things, inform the bosses that I am relocating, tell my family and also talk to my gyne about me relocating and of course, there were things planned that I need to change."

"Okay, I will go with you."

"I'm going to come back."

"No doubt but I think I should meet your parents before the baby comes, don't you think so?"

"No, I would love to avoid meeting the parents until the baby is born."

"This is not something you can avoid, it's better to face it head-on because you are having my baby."

"Our baby and I don't think my parents will like you."

"Why not?"

"You are eight years younger than my mom and thirteen years younger than my dad." his eyebrows raise in mortification, and he clears his throat

"Aren't you twenty-five?"

"I'm twenty-seven."

"See so why would they not like me."

"Darius, you are eighteen years older than me. Be fucking for real."

"Everyone loves me." a giggle comes out of my throat "Were you not charmed by the man in front of you?"

"Oh that is different, I was on vacation."

"Lies and we both know it."

"Wow, can you make me something to eat?"

"What do pregnant ladies eat?"

"You have chicken?" he nods "then make me that."

"So demanding." he jokes

"You weren't complaining when I was telling you how I like it."

"Behave," he orders

"Make me." if I am being honest with myself, I would love to get my back blown out.

"Princess, don't do that."

"Is it because I'm pregnant, you know I can still have sex right?"

"I do know that, you said you were hungry, let me make you something to eat, and then we can revisit your needs."


"I promise, we will talk after you have digested your food."

"Okay, Mr Khalil."

"I'm just going to start cooking." a giggle escapes my lips as I bring my feet up onto the couch.

The food he made for me was delicious, he also made some for himself and we ate together, you would have never thought that this would be us after the week we have had.

"Okay, now we can talk about your needs."

"Now that I am full, I have had time to think it through." I wait a moment "And I want you to fuck me."


"You think you can handle that?"

"Uh, wow, my pride." he takes me off the chair, and into his arms, he carries me to his room and lays me down on the bed. He comes back from his closet with a bottle of lube.

"Time to back up all that talk."

"Come here and I will show you." he walks towards me, gets on the bed and joins our lips. I pull away and hold him against the bed as I get on top of him.

I plant a kiss on his lips, he puts his hands under my shirt and I put my hand in his sweatpants he is not wearing trunks, unlike I expected. His hands are caressing my waist as mine are caressing his dick, the thought of him in me, makes me wet.

"Right there princess," he groans softly into our kiss

I pull away from the kiss, "Do I make you feel good, Daddy?" he lets out a grunt

"Fuck, you make me feel great, princess." a smile comes onto my face before I peel my pants off. "Princess," he groans

"Patience, Daddy." he groans again, I put some lube on his dick and he whimpers, I put his tip in before he hammers into me, his hands are on my waist while mine are on his stomach. "Oh, fuck!"

"Ah," he whimpers as I continue riding him, I feel him twitch inside me, telling me he is close. I continue bouncing on him, making him groan and whimper. "Fucking hell," he says and he cums inside me, he takes a moment before he gets up and asks me to get on all fours on the bed

His hand wrapped around my neck, and he thrusts into me again. "Darius,"

"Say my name."

"Darius!" a slap on my ass

"Good girl." I could just melt. He continues thrusting into me, with a few slaps to my ass

"Darius, I'm close, just like that!" he listens and keeps going at that pace and I cum all over his dick but he keeps pounding into me. "Darius,"

"You can take it, Princess." he drives me crazy, and he continues fucking into me. He pulls out "Lay on your side for me." after I do as he orders, he pulls me closer to the edge of the bed and teases me with his tip

"Daddy, please."

"Use your words." fucking hell

"Daddy, please continue fucking me."

"atta girl." he hammers into me. Have you ever been fucked sideways? It is a mind fuck, he knew what he was doing because now I just want to cum


"Cum for daddy." I release on his dick "That's it, good girl." after a second I realise that he is still hard, I get on my knees and place my hands around him as I try fitting him in my mouth

"Such a good slut for daddy." he knows what buttons to push when because that made my nipples hard. "Just like that."

He holds my head in place as he fucks my mouth
"Breathe through your nose, darlin'" the way he said that this man is fucking me the whole night if he keeps this up. I feel him twitch and I know he is close.

He cums into my mouth "Swallow. All of it, princess." I stick my tongue out and he chuckles before helping me back onto the bed, I thought we were taking a break but he goes in between my legs.


"Relax," he says before he starts licking my labia, sucking on my clit and sticking his tongue in my hole.

"Oh," I whimper as he keeps on feasting on my vagina like a starving man

"Ah, fuck!" I groan as a cum on his tongue

"You taste salty," he says before joining our lips and he is right. He flips us so I am on top.

"No, I think we have had enough sex for now, Mr Khalil."

"Then why did you call me that? What mind games are you playing?"

"No mind games, I just want to take a break." he nods before placing a kiss on my neck "Do not do that either," I say in between giggles

"Okay, we can just lay here."


Chapter Word Count: 1195 Words❤️


They seem to be getting along again🥺


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