28. HER

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Darian has been in our lives for six months and we have a good nanny which allows me to work on the demands that Arsené always sends. The man is insane but I am bound and I will do anything to keep both of them safe.

Tyrique was charged with treason, which made me happier than I expected it would, considering that he was my friend. When I told my friends what he did, they were disgusted by his actions and celebrated him being charged, as to whether he is going to jail or not, I do not know nor do I care.

Destiny and Danika want us to go shopping today since they are both in London. We have gotten closer which I am thankful for because I do need friends.

"Ms Imana, I am going to meet with Darius' sisters hopefully I am back before he gets here but if I am not, that is where I am." Ms Imana lives with us because Darius said that I need the support and I am not going to argue against more support.

"Yes, Ma'am." I can not get her to call me by my name because while she says it wrong, it is because of her accent and nothing else but she would prefer not to say it at all.

"Call me if you need anything." she nods before she continues folding the laundry. I love having her around.

I arrive at the store and there is no one, I look around and I can not notice any sign that they are here. As I am about to leave, I notice a store assistant making their way to the door.


"Hi. I nearly thought the store was closed."

"It is, so we can shop in peace." and we did. We spent most of our time playing dress-up and gossiping.

"Hey, Princess, where are you?"

"Shopping with your sisters."

"Are you almost done?"

"We are leaving now, why?"

"Well, there is a house I want you to look at."


"Yes, please."

"Okay, send me the location." I hang up to say goodbye to his sisters.

He sent me the location and I made my way there. I am happy that he is taking this seriously, I want to move into my new house as soon as possible. We spoke about the safety of staying at the house we are currently in and we would both be more comfortable if we moved.

A mansion, with a large driveway and a significant garden. The architecture is modern and abstract with grey stone and floor-to-ceiling windows.

I pull my phone out to call him and tell him that I have arrived. He comes out from the garden.

"What do you think?"

"I like what I see."

"Let's look inside." he leads me inside and I love everything I see. The mostly black kitchen, with a beige lounging area, a huge cinema room, a gym, two studies, six bedrooms, eight bathrooms with six ensuites. It has a playroom, a cellar, a ballroom, and a library. The main bedroom has a massive walk-in closet with a staircase from one floor to the other.

He leads me outside "It has two pools and a Jacuzzi next to the sauna. There is a greenhouse in case you like gardening." I do like gardening "And a cottage."

"Oh wow. It's big."

"Yes but do you like it?"

"I do, it looks beautiful and we can change a few things to make it feel more us but I think it looks good." he nods

"Well, there is something I want to show you," he says before leading me somewhere. As we turn the corner, I notice the blanket with a basket on top and pillows.

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