03: Goodbye My Lover

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"Well, hello," he says pulling the cover off himself, revealing me with his dick in my mouth. "This is a nice surprise."

He places his hand on the back of my head, forcing me to take him in "Fuck, just like that," he groans, he sounds so sexy and hoarse. I gag a few times before he finally cums in my mouth.

"Good morning," I say once I have swallowed all of it.

"That's one way to deal with morning wood."

"I'd say it's the best way," I say pulling my lip between my teeth. He nods before getting up

"Would you care to join me for a shower?" I get up and follow him into the bathroom where after he closes the door, he pins me against it and slams his lips on mine.

I moan into the kiss as his fingers play with my nipples.

He grunts into our kiss as I play with his dick, "Just like that," he moans into our kiss. He pulls away and looks into my eyes before putting his fingers in me.

"Darius," he nods as I continue whimpering at his behest "Fuck,"

"I know, I know," he whispers to me, looking into my eyes. In these few moments, never has anyone made me feel this safe, secure and sexy.

"I'm close," I mutter into his ear, he creates some space between us causing me to lean forward and he holds my waist

"Go ahead and cum for Daddy." talking about himself in the third person drives me feral. I cum on his fingers "Good girl." he mutters into my ear before he helps me stand straight.

When we got into the shower he was still rock hard, with water going down our backs, I am pressed on the wall of the shower, looking into his eyes as his hands cage me in.

"You know, you're beautiful."

"That I am aware of Mr Khalil." I express looking into his eyes as I belt my arms around his neck, a smirk draws itself on his face before he joins our lips, he is driving me mad

After a few moments, moans, whimpers, and muttered words, he whispers "I would like to fuck you right here, right now but I need you to tell me it is what you want as well." consent asking is such a turn on

"Daddy, I would like you to fuck me right now."

"Your wish is my command," he mumbles before thrusting his dick into me

"Oh, fuck!" I moan into his ear as he pounds deeper and harder into me, it feels as though I am taking his entire length "Darius," I whimper as he continues fucking me into oblivion

"I know, Princess, I know," he grunts into my ear before he stops for a moment and I look into his eyes, for a moment, the lust and desire seem to overpower reason and he hammers into me

"Darius," I moan

"You take me so fucking well," he says placing a kiss on my neck, as my climax seems near, I whisper into his ear

"Daddy, I'm going to cum,"

"Not yet." I might have just cum right there. Why is he everything I have ever dreamed of?

We orgasm together and he spends a few moments admiring me before we get out of the shower and get ready.

"Tell me, why did you decide to stay?"



"Your dick game is good and I needed a few more spins on your ride."


"Is that so different from the reason you wanted me to stay?" I interrupt

"No, it is not."

"So tell me, Darius, why me?"

"I'm attracted, to who I am attracted to and I was attracted to you."

"Okay. I have to be at work tomorrow morning,"

"As do I."

"So I need to leave by five pm to be able to have time to get ready for work."

"You are going to work, jet lagged? What do you do?"

"Yes, I am a programmer and I will sleep when I get back home at three."

"Wow, must be nice."

"I mean are you not going to be jet lagged?"

"If I am, I will reschedule my day."

"Pays to be the boss."

"That it does." after breakfast, he told me he had a meeting but he wanted to see me before I left and I told him, that I would still be there.

Packing has never been one of my strengths, I am awful at it, always leaving things and taking those that I should not.

"I'm leaving in thirty minutes, Darius."

"I know," he says before pulling me closer to him, "I will have you on that plane by three," he says before joining our lips, my arms wrapping around his neck

"One last ride."

"One last ride," he says picking my leg up and caressing it. He pins me onto the wall, he takes a moment and fetches the lube before taking my hands and pinning them above my head. "I am going to miss this." I look into his eyes and he thrusts into me.

"Me too," he hammers into me slowly but I am taking a lot of him in me. Whimpers fill our ears, and he goes faster "Darius, oh fuck, just like that!"

"You sound good," my cheeks are going to hurt as I blush, he feels so good, I feel him twitch inside me, telling me that he is close.


"I know," he whispers before placing a kiss on my lips, our orgasms reach climax at nearly the same time.

He takes his dick out of me and immediately, he goes down on me, while I am standing.

Total word count: 955❤️


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