11: Good Kisser

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I am laying on his chest as his hand sits on my stomach. He is excited to be a father, you can see it in the way he always tries to touch my stomach and kiss it.

"What are we doing here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I love having sex with you, trust me, I do but is that going to affect our parenting relationship."

"I don't know. I have never been a co-parent, never seen them, my parents have been married more than thirty years, so this is unmarked territory."

"So what are we doing here?"

"Darius, we are going to raise a child together, all I want from you is for you to be a good dad."

"So I can get with whoever I want?" fuck him


"Okay." a moment of silence "Do you want some coffee?"

"I can't fucking have coffee, I'm pregnant." he shrugs as he puts on his pants. "I will however have juice."

"Okay, you want breakfast with that?" he asks leaning on the threshold

"Yeah, can I have something to cover myself with?"

"I mean you can walk around naked, it's pretty warm in the house." perv

"Get me a fucking shirt."

"Hangry much?" he says as he lifts his hands and walks into his closet, he comes back with a white tee, thankfully I am smaller than him so I fit right into the shirt.

"Was that so hard?"

"I like seeing you naked, can you blame a guy?"


"Only for you."

"Mr 'So I can get with whoever I want?' yeah sure."

"It was a joke."

"Until I walk in on you and some other person."

"I mean we are not dating so I am allowed."

"Yeah you are and I'm allowed to."

"To what?" he says taking out the pan

"Be in someone else's bed."

"Good for you." why is he like this? Get the hint.

"Tell me, why aren't you going to work?"

"Figured I have some things to sort out." 

"Oh." we fall into silence as he makes our breakfast. He places my juice and food in front of me, also placing his food on the table while making coffee. We eat in silence. When we are done, I take our plates and place them in the sink.

"Are you okay?" he asks as he sinks into his chair, I walk over and sit on his lap

"Why would I not be okay?" his hand sits on my bare thigh, and he shrugs

"You want to know something?"  a nod and he leans closer to my ear "I want you, tied up, blindfolded, with a gag in your mouth, vibrator in your ass, and my dick in your vagina, I want you so needy for me, that there are tears in your eyes and you are begging me to understand your incoherent mumbles." he pulls away and there is probably a stain on his leg because I am so wet right now

"Why don't you?"

"Because you, my lovely princess, do not deserve that from me." he grabs my throat and makes me look at him "I never want the visual of you together with anyone in my head, ever." this man wants me to fuck him, otherwise why is he making me so wet "Are we clear?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Good girl, now I have work to do but if you need me, call." a nod and he gets up and goes to his study. I can not believe he left me here so hungry for him.

Laying on his bed, I call my sister, informing her of my decision. To say the least, she is happy for me. I also called my mom telling her that I am bringing the father of my child so they can meet him. I will tell her about moving in person.

"Uhm, Darius, I need to go back to my hotel room," I say standing at the door of his study.


"I need my things, Darius, did you forget that we are leaving tomorrow?"

"I did not, I just meant do you have to fetch them, I can send someone."

"I would like to fetch them." he shrugs

"I will tell Peter to take you there."

"Cool." I pulled a pair of sweats from his wardrobe as well as a hoodie. The clothes were big on me but no one cares.

"Ms Tlali," Peter says as he opens the door for me. He drove right to the hotel and waited outside as I packed everything that was mine into my suitcase and changed into my own clothes.

I wanted to stay in my hotel room a little longer, I liked how alone I felt, for years I was used to doing what I wanted when I wanted without asking for permission. Now I need to consider a child's feelings.

It is weird, in four months, this little devil will control my life and I have no way of stopping that from happening.

"Thank you for choosing to stay with us, Ms Tlali, the bill was picked up by Mr Khalil." Of course, he did.

"Thank you, Faith." Peter had already taken my bag into the car. Am I mad? No, I just wish he would talk to me about these things, I hate getting blindsided, and worse it feels like he is micro-managing my life.

"Is that everything?"

"You need to stop."

"Paying for your things?"

"Micro-managing my life. You can pay for my things but please have the fucking decency to talk to me about it." I head to his guest room to take a nap and calm down.

After a few hours, he came by and knocked on the door. I did not answer or open it. "I am sorry for not consulting you." he confesses, once he notices I am not going to open he adds "I will try to talk to you before paying for your things and buying you things.

"You can't buy my affection and I do not like it when people try to."


"Good, can I go back to my nap?"

"Come nap in my bed."

"This is technically your bed as well."

"Yeah but I do not sleep in here." I open the door and he stands there in a white tee and sweatpants. His hair is in a bun and he looks tired. I put my arms up indicating that I would like to be carried, he carries me into his arms and takes me into his bedroom, laying me on the bed and covering me in a blanket. I notice that he changed the bedding.

While some of the things I said were reasonable, looking back, I should not have felt that strongly about it. He was just making sure his baby mama does not have to take care of a bill while he can.

"I am sorry that I overreacted about the whole bill situation, you were just trying to help the best way you know how."

"Thank you, I also should consult you first sometimes."

Chapter Word Count: 1183 Words❤️


He is such an understanding man.

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