13. Good Girl

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Before we left Johannesburg, my things were already on their way to London. I feel as though we are both avoiding the more important conversations around this pregnancy.

Meeting the parents is an important step in a relationship, luckily for us we skipped many steps and my parents are getting to know a man, I barely know.

I thought he would have children that he would know what to do but he knows nothing, making us first-time parents with no idea where the fucking sky is.

I wish I could have those conversations with my mother but I am still carrying a bit of guilt and shame around this pregnancy. I am twenty-seven, unmarried and having a child with a stranger, how hopeless could I fucking be?

"Where should I turn?" he pulls me out of my thoughts

"Uhm, the next intersection, turn left." he nods and the anxiety in me builds, he offered to drive and i could not say no, it is annoying driving with this bump, I am still not used to having it.

I am confident in my choice to have this baby and while I am not sure about the move to London, if things do make a turn for the worst, I have the funds to help myself out.

Having a safety net was more important than the stunt to me. I can be reckless and move to London where I do not know a person but being able to bring myself and my son home is important to me.

What worries me is my parents' disappointment, I would understand if they are disappointed, I am, to an extent, a baby with a man I barely know, who thought that it would be a great idea?

My mother greets us at the gate, allowing us to get in but of course, she has to hug me before anything else.

"You look good, my baby is having a baby," she says before placing a kiss on my forehead

"How are you?"

"Worried about you, you are doing way too much for a person who is creating life."

"Ma, I feel fine and I am not doing anything extreme, I promise." she nods "This is Darius, the father of your grandchild." I make space for him to stand beside me

"Hello, Ma'am, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, thank God you are not ugly." laughter erupts from us "Come on, don't want to stand in the sun the whole day." she leads us inside where my father is watching the news.

"Hey, Papa!" I say leaning on him for a hug

"You are really pregnant. Hello, my baby."

"Thank you for making me feel fat."

"Fat and beautiful."

"Papa, this is Darius, he is the one who got me pregnant." I am a daddy's girl, of course, I am going to throw Darius under the bus

"Pleasure to meet you, Sir."

"Sit down." we sit opposite my dad, we do not hold hands or have any contact "So what is this?"

"We are just having a baby together, nothing hectic."

"So no long-term relationship, no marriage, nothing?" he sounds disappointed

"We think it is best if we are friends." when did I say that

"Okay, I'm tired, you two can talk it out, I am going to lie down." my father nods and I make my way to my bedroom. As I get onto my bed, ready to take a nap, my mother walks in.

"How old is he?" I knew she would ask, she gets on the bed and lies next to me

"Forty-five." a gasp

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