29. Venom

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The Khalils have a glamping trip planned for everyone and Darius asked if I wanted to go with and I agreed. While his mother sometimes bugs me, I enjoy his sisters' company and I would love to spend three days with him without his phone constantly interrupting, maybe I could figure us out.

It is a glamping trip so I packed a bit of loungewear, some athleisure and a few dresses. I want to be prepared.

"Princess, we are only going to be there for, three days."

"I like being prepared."

"Okay. I got his things ready and packed into the car, just waiting for yours."

"Well, I am done." I try to zip the suitcase but it refuses to close, he comes to my aid, from behind me "Darius," I whimper as I feel his dick on my butt, he places his hands on the suitcase, pressing the sides closer together.

"Zip it," he whispers into my ear


"Zip the bag, Princess." I am a puddle and he knows it. I take my time zipping the bag because I do not want him off me "Good girl, now get on your knees, for me." he steps back giving me space to obey him, I get on my knees, and he wraps his finger around my chin and makes me look at him.

His face painted in eagerness, his eyes drowning in desire and lust oozing from his stance. Everything made me want to obey his every wish. "Undo my pants." my gaze still meeting his, I take his belt off before undoing the zip. Grabbing the hem of his briefs, I pull out his dick.

He takes a few steps back "Beg." one word, how powerful is one word? In his mouth, with his voice, mighty.

"Daddy, please let me suck your big dick."

"That's my girl, now come here." a smile on my face, I crawl towards him only stopping when I am at his feet. With my mouth wide open, I place his tip on my tongue, swirling my tongue around it and he whimpers.

"Fuck," Hearing him breathe deeply and whimper, makes me wet, I can feel my nipples harden. I fit as much of him as I can "Oh, fuck!" he groans as I gag for him.

Holding my head in place, he grunts before he starts thrusting into my open mouth. "Such a good slut for me," he keeps thrusting into my mouth

"Open wide." with my tongue out, I wait for him to fill my mouth with his cum "Fuck," he groans before he starts cumming on my tongue, I swallow all of it before he lifts me and places his lips on mine and his lips want to tell me something but the words seem to get stuck in his chest.

"That was definitely a treat but if we do not leave soon, we will be the last to arrive."

"They will wait, now strip." pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I take off the dress I am wearing, I am left in my black lace panties and a blue padded bra. "Absolutely beautiful." he admires me, placing his hands on my thighs.

He undoes my bra "Now take off these panties," he whispers into my ear and I listen. Once off, I place them in his hand and he places them in his pocket before he pushes me onto the bed and removes my suitcase. Funny how we got here because I overpacked.

His lips connect with my neck making me a whimpering mess, wanting his fingers in me or his tongue on me or better yet that big dick I sucked deep inside me.

"Darius," if he wants me to beg, I will beg, he does not listen, instead he continues planting kisses along my body and leaving hickeys. "Daddy," I thought he would look up instead he takes my panties out and shoves them in my mouth

"Be quiet and still and Daddy might make you cum." there is a puddle where my panties used to be. He continues his torture, leaving me hot, bothered and with a pulsating pussy.

He finally makes his way in between my legs but he focuses on my thighs, "Darius," he continues placing kisses on my thighs, and when I am about to give up on pleasure, I feel his tongue on my labia.

"Ah," whimpers celebrating the pleasures he is giving me.

As I am close to cumming he takes his mouth off my vulva, staring at his eyes, I know he can read the frustration on my face. His tip on my vulva, he slaps her a few times before entering with force, escaping a moan from my lips.

"Tell me, Princess, who do you belong to?" breathy and harsh he asks


"Say my name,"


"Say it like you own me, Princess."


"Good girl." he lets out before continuing to ram into me. My hands gripping the duvet, if my nails were any sharper I would pierce them.

He pulls out before flipping me on my stomach, "Lift your ass, for me baby." I listen to him and raise my butt in the air and spread my legs a bit and he pulls me to the edge of the bed before placing his tip back on me.

A few moments after he puts it in, I feel my climax coming and the room is filled with my whimpers. "Daddy," I let out wanting to cum and he pulls out. "Why?" a whine and plead

"I am a man of my word, now get dressed, we have to go."

"I will fetch my vibrator." he pins me on the bed

"You are mine, princess and your punishment for squirming and speaking when I told you to be quiet is this. Be a good girl and listen to Daddy." desperate for him, I move his hand to my vulva, he lets out a chuckle before rubbing his fingers on my vulva and placing it in his mouth. "Discipline. Now get dressed."

He gets up, buckles his belt and gets himself ready. Reluctantly, I get dressed and make my way to the car. I am going to sulk the entire way to the camp.

Total Chapter Word Count: 1046 Words ❤️


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