09: The Results, Please

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Three days after Chapter 08


A hard knock on the door, I did not order anything so I am surprised at the knock. I look through the peephole and it is Darius and his bodyguard.

"What do you want?" I am not feeling much like myself today, my legs hurt, and walking also is too much to ask of me as my legs are swollen and my ankles hurt. I have back pain, worse than normal and I am a bit dizzy every time I get up. I do not feel good, I feel like dying.

"The results are in."

"Give me thirty mins." I allow them inside, his bodyguard stays outside while he walks in


"Cause I need to bath." every word out of his mouth makes my headache worse.

It took me an hour to get ready, thankfully, he did not rush me because if he did I would have stabbed him with my scissors.
He opened the door for me as we got to Dr Steven's practice.

"Hello, Mr Khalil, Bk, please have a seat." we sit next to each other trying our hardest to stay far from each other. "We got the results back and would you like to read them or should I read them for you?"

"You can read it," he says

"Okay, The results show that Mr Khalil, you are the father of Ms Tlali's baby." I release the breath that I held

"Thank you, Dr Steven." I get up and head out before him, good to know that I am right like I knew I was. 

"Can you stop walking out on me?" he says as he stands next to me

"Well, now you know that I am not lying."

"I do."

"What's next?"

"I do not know, I have never had a child." he hasn't?

"Me neither." silence "There are schedules we have to work out, uhm, names, meeting parents and obviously he is going to live with me because you work a lot."

"Okay, do you mean in South Africa?"


"Bohlokoa, you want to raise my son halfway across the world from me?"

"Darius, I want to raise my son around my support system."

"So am I just supposed to see my son days at a time? I feel like I am not being considered in your decision."

"Can we talk about this another time, I am tired."

"Fine, I will be here tomorrow," he says as we stop outside my hotel.

"Fine." I do not want to have to deal with all of this, I am tired and I need to talk to my sister so I can know that I am treating him fairly.

"Hey, baby."

"Twice in a week, damn, you must really need me.":

"I will always need you. So the results came back and surprise sur-fucking-prise, he is the father. Now I want to live in Joburg with the baby but he wants us to talk about it and I know he wants me to move here, which for me, I want to be around my support system, I want to raise him around his family."

"Half of his family, let's be honest, this is a shitty situation for both sides but it is no longer about you, it is about that baby boy."

"I am thinking about him."

"No, you are not, Bokie. Why did I move nine hours away from home?"

"Because you wanted to live with Henry?"

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