45: Yes

660 36 1

When I woke up, he was not there. As of today, we are now ending the first trimester and hopefully, the nausea will stop soon.

I decided to get ready without him. It is not like him not to tell me when he is going somewhere. Hopefully, he is okay but I can never tell these days.

I am dressed and ready and he is still not here, picking up my phone to call him, I notice a text saying that he is held up at a café and I should not worry. I do not think he understands how much I worry about him now.

Chlöe sends me a few pictures and videos of Darian which I then post on my Instagram. John also took many photos of Darius and me, picking the top four and I pressed post and got out of Instagram and headed to WhatsApp to text my friends while I wait for Mr Khalil.

I am wearing sandals today, I will not make the same mistake twice. He walks in with a brown paper bag and two cups of coffee.

"Here you go." he hands me a cup and I take it.

"What is it?"


"Oh, thank you." I love Chai with all of me.

"I also got you a breakfast bagel."

"Thank you, baby." he smiles before handing it to me. We enjoy our breakfast on the balcony and people-watch.

A few minutes after breakfast, I make a bee-line for the toilet bowl. He holds my braids and rubs my back.

"We can stay, if you do not feel up to it."

"A smoothie and I will be fine." he nods and helps me up. He orders a berry smoothie and thankfully, I am able to finish it.

"Could you wear the white heels you bought yesterday?"

"You saw what heels did to me yesterday."

"I will buy you sandals if your feet hurt but the restaurant we are going to has a dress code." A glare at him before I go to change into the heels. Does my outfit look better? Yes, it does but he will carry me.

John drives us to the tower. It is not as busy as I thought it would be. John clears the path for us and talks to the security personnel who allow us to get to the lift.

We make our way to the summit and the view is otherworldly. The thought of how high we are and also how beautiful it all looks, I am mesmerised by the magnificence of what my eyes are enjoying.

"Bohlokoa Durah Tladi." I turn to face him and he is on one knee. My hands cover my face as the tears begin. Is he proposing? "Would you give me the great honour of being your husband?"

"Yes!" A nod and he places the round, solitaire diamond ring on my finger. Due to the tears in my eyes, I am unable to clearly see the ring but I can see him and I join our lips.

Part of me had lost hope that I would ever be married and part of me was content with where we were. All of me is happy that he wants to marry me.

As I pull away, I notice the three photographers and now I realise why there were so many people at the bottom, he reserved The Eiffel Tower for this.

"I can not believe that you did all of this." his arm wraps around my waist and my arms around his neck.

"I was a little worried but it went better than I thought."

"It is amazing." his forehead on mine, we sway in happiness. "Thank you for this, I am going to cry again." What did I do to deserve a love like this?

"I promise to always wipe your tears."

"Stop," I say with a smile as he wipes the tears away. I am not wearing any make-up thankfully.

"Come on, I did make an actual reservation." We make our way to the elevator and make our way through the crowd that has now gathered around the base of the tower.

John helps us into the car and he drives to the restaurant. I can not stop looking at the ring on my finger.

"I am a fiancé."

"Yes, you are."

"How did you pull that off?"

"I had tons of help, my mother, sisters, your friends and sister."

"And they kept it from me, they like you." he chuckles.

"This was the second attempt so it had to go well."


"I was going to propose two years ago."


"Before you left for Cabo Verde, I was going to propose on New Year's but life happened and this is better than that."

"It is. You proposed on the top of The Eiffel Tower, in the city of love." The ring looks beautiful wrapped around my finger. "I love you."

"I love you more, Princess." We get to the restaurant and Darius opens the door for me and helps me out of the car.

We make our way to our table and he helps me get into my seat before sitting down. We order before he gets a phone call from his mother asking if he has done it.

Placing my hand over his, I take a picture to send to the group chat and my family. I send it with the message "I said Yes!", They all respond with a series of excited animated stickers.

They switch to face time and she shows us a sleeping Darian. He tired himself out to be asleep at this time. He is having fun with his grandparents.

We enjoyed our lunch with light conversation and as always he picked up the bill.

"Baby, I can not keep walking in these." he carries me out of the restaurant and to the car. "Do you have anything else planned?"

"Nope, what do you want to do?"

"Watch a movie?"

"Then that is what we will do." We headed back to the hotel room, and he carried me from the garage to the bed, I was surprised by how strong he was and I should not be, he does work out, but the last time I saw him in the gym was a while.

We picked a movie and his head laid on my chest as we watched the movie. I appreciate the times he allows me to hold him and love him because I knoe how hard it can be to allow anyone to touch you after you have experienced sexual assault.

"I am falling asleep."

"That's okay. I got you." a kiss on his forehead before I focus on the TV.

Total Chapter Word Count: 1124 Words❤️

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