40: Midnight At The Oasis

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Today is the day we head back to London. While I am not overjoyed to go back, I am happy that Darius and I will get more time together.

"Do you have to go?"

"Yes, we do. We will visit in October because I am coming back for Sasha's wedding."

"Okay, I will miss you all."

"We will miss you too."

"Call if you need anything," Darius says

"I will, bye little man," she says to Darian who is holding his toy for comfort. "I will see you soon enough." he nods before hugging her.

While Darian did get agitated on the flight, I was not mortified because my man has his own private jet. My man, my man, my sexy silver fox of a man. I wanted to undress him but we are not going to have sex anywhere near Darian. We tend to be loud so we will not be having sex near him.

Part of me wonders what is next. What is to become of our relationship? Do I go back to hacking? Do I get a job? So many questions that I do not know the answers to.

The house was in impeccable condition given it has not been lived in for two years. The yard is freshly trimmed and clean. I am carrying a sleeping Darian while Darius and André carry our bags.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Khalil." a woman walks over. She is in a black tea-length dress with a white turtleneck.

"Princess this is, Ms Gertrude, our butler."

"We have a butler?"

"Yes, Ma'am." she has a heavy accent.

"I know you spent forever looking for a nanny so I asked Ms Imana if she could come back and she will be here tomorrow morning."


"Is something wrong?" I shake my head unable to say a word. "I assumed you would want to be able to do your own things outside of caring for Darian."

"I love you." the worry dissipates from his face and is replaced with relief and contentment.

"I love you." a deep breath.

"Thank you, Ms Gertrude. I would like to meet everyone tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes, Ma'am." what has become of my life?

"Let's get you two to bed."

Darian's bedroom is next to ours. We are too tired to do anything but collapse on the bed and hold each other.

"Mama!" Darian comes in screaming, we jolt out of bed to see our son in his pajamas. "I'm hungry."

"Okay, give me a min." I get up to change and brush my teeth. "Why did you not get a chef?"

"Because we do not need one."

"You still think so?" he rinses his mouth before answering.

"Yes, I can cook if you do not want to."

"Don't you have to go back to work soon?"

"No, I am retiring soon."


"It is time for some other young person to take my company to new heights. I want to watch my son grow and explore what this could be."

"Good." we head downstairs and start making pancakes.

In the afternoon, I introduced Darian to Ms Imana who was happy to see us both safe and sound. I also had the chance to meet everyone who works here and what they do.

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