16: Baby Boy

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Darius is an attractive man, from his dreads that are in a low ponytail at the moment, to his beard that nearly carries his face, to his wide nose that brings his face together, he is a man that I am attracted to. As he walks in, he places his keys on the wall before walking into the kitchen and taking a plum out of the fridge.

"You are back early." he nods before going into his study where he stays for a few hours. He made dinner and we ate in silence like we always do.

I love the silence and it is not awkward for me, I feel as though maybe we should talk, get to know each other more maybe that is just me.

"I know you are bored, tired, and pregnant," he says as I am rubbing vitamin E oil on my belly. "but I thought that maybe you would like to go on a babymoon?"

"Where to?"

"Cape Verde and when we come back, you can meet my family?"

"Oh, how long are we going to Cabo Verde for?"

"A week, nothing too long since you are so far along."



"Yeah. I would not mind being around the ocean."

"We can leave as soon as the day after tomorrow if you would like."

"And stay for a week?" he nods, I get into the blankets and he lays his hand on my pillow "Are you not tired of me sleeping on your arm?"

"No. If you would like me to remove it, I will."

"No, it's fine. Tell me what do you do to relax?"

"I don't relax," he says after a few moments


"I never felt the need." a gasp from me

"Well, you are going to relax this week."

"Are you going to force me?"

"If I have to. You need to learn how to relax especially with the new addition to your life being a soul-sucking parasite."

"Weird way of looking at your child."

"You would feel differently if he was making your bones brittle, fucking with your hormones, and making you into someone you barely recognize."

"I am sorry."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"What did you like about being in South Africa?"

"It's home."

"Is that it?"

"I think so. I mean my friends, how close I was to my parents. I did not really do much besides work."

"So the kettle was calling the pot black," visible confusion on my face "Do you know how to relax?"

"Yes. Did I work a lot? Yes, but I also know when it is time to read a book and go to a pool and enjoy the gifts the sun has to offer. So we are not similar, Mr Khalil." pulling me closer as you can hear the sleep in my voice

"Maybe, we will find out."

"I just want to get to know you."

"You will, princess, for now, get some sleep."

"But I have so many questions." he chuckles

"Remember them and you can ask me, later."

"Okay." as always I fell asleep in his arms, I love it, I love falling asleep with someone holding me, it makes me feel safe and grounded

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