06: Testing The Waters

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The beeping going off in the background was making me more anxious than the lady flipping through magazines. I hate hospitals, from the smell of rubbing alcohol and sterilisation to the lack of character and the stillness that felt so loud and full.

"Tlali, Bohlokoa." the nurse says, I stood up faster than light travels, I am alone as all my friends happen to be busy and I prefer doing this by myself.

"Good day, Ms Tlali, how can we help you today!" the doctor asks as they sit opposite me

"My mother thinks I am pregnant."

"And you do not?"

"I have been getting my periods, I got them twice after my last sexual encounter."

"So that was two months ago?"


"Okay, please lay on your back and fold your top, I am going to do an ultrasound, if you are not pregnant, we will know for sure and you can go back and tell your mother." a nervous chuckle escapes my throat, I want her to be wrong because I do not have the life I think a child deserves but a large part of me is hoping there is a baby in there.

"Oh," I whimper as the cold gel makes contact with my skin

"Sorry." She looks at the screen and I do so too. And there it is "Looks like you are pregnant." my world stops for a moment, overwhelmed, I am not sure whether I am happy or not but I am scared.

"What?" I can't have a baby with Tyrique, he can barely keep a job!

"And you seem to be nearly four months along, fourteen weeks if I had to estimate and not eight." so not Ty, Thank you, God, Allah, Budda, Krishna and all my ancestors but, who was I sleeping with four months ago?

After Dr Mvila and I talked about my options, what I can, what I have to cut out and the supplements I have to take, I went home to figure out when four months ago was.

I get into Google 14 weeks from today back, the search results say 17 July.

I was in Saint Tropez from the 12th of July until the 18th and the only person I had sexual relations with was Darius fucking Khalil. What have I done to my life?

Tears stream from my face as I keep looking at the paper where I was calculating all of this.

"Hey, baba, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just I'm pregnant and it's the guy from St Tropez's baby."

"Wow, that is more than nothing, definitely a lot more than nothing. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit, nearly four months pregnant and I barely knew."

"You have not changed much so there was not much to show you that you are pregnant."

"My mother knew the second she saw me."

"She is older, they always know." they do

"I don't know what to do. Do I reach out and try to get him involved in the child's life or do I not entertain the fact that he is the father?"

"Could you be a single parent?"

"Fuck no. I also do not want to have to fight for someone to be a part of my child's life."

"Look at you already protecting them."

"If I don't who will?"

"So you are keeping them?"

"Without a doubt, you know I have always wanted a baby."

"That you have. If you want to talk to the dad, I am here with you, we can do it together."

"Thank you, mmata, I think I want to go for a walk and gather my thoughts, I will decide what to do some other day."

"Okay, do you want company?"

"No, thank you." I get up and grab an umbrella and head out.

A baby. A lifetime commitment and I have six weeks to decide if I want it or not. How would I even support the baby? Zack definitely will fire me after he finds out, he gets freaked out by pregnant people. I could keep being a hacker but would that get the child in danger? No, they don't know how to find me.

Could I be able to buy a home in six months? I mean if I go for risker jobs with some people I absolutely hate, maybe I could have enough to buy a house in four months and money to furnish it as well. I could ask my mom for my baby things so I don't have to buy new things.

Could I mentally handle it? My anxiety is manageable these days and I can always take my antidepressants. I hope I do not get post-partum depression.

So I am keeping the baby? Is that a wise decision? Do I want Darius in my life forever? Do I want to fight for custody of my child with him? He probably has children, he is 45, why would he want mine?

I would feel awful keeping them from their father, if he chooses to be a deadbeat, it has to be his choice, not mine. So we are keeping the baby and telling Darius, my life is going to be fun.

Walking into the cafe, I notice that Ty, Brandon and Kagiso are sitting in the corner, I make my way to the counter and pray they do not notice me, I have been avoiding Ty since we had sex.

It was not bad but I don't want him to think I want this to be something, he is funny and a great guy just not for me.

"Hey," he says as he approaches me

"Hey, Ty."

"I haven't seen you in a while, are we good?"

"Last time I checked we are good, why?"

"I feel like you are avoiding me."

"I am avoiding people in general, not just you, sorry if it came off that way."

"Nah, it's cool, we good, see you when you are in the mood for people." he smiles before turning around and going back to his friends.

A deep breath as I swallow my chai latte. Heading back home where I find Lerato on the couch watching Below deck.

"Hey, babes, I'm back."

"Okay, what are you drinking?"


"Can you drink it, now that you are pregnant?" what?

"I don't know, I think so." I take out my phone and check on Google "Healthline says it's fine, just limit intake, so just this cup, already this baby is cramping my style."

"I'm sorry, love."

"I decided to tell him, he has a right to know."

"Does he?"

"Yes, he is the father and if he wants to be a deadbeat that should be his choice, not mine."

"Okay, girl, I got you, when are you planning on telling him?"

"I don't know, I want to tell him but I am so anxious about his reaction and I really want him to want this child but like it would be naive and outright stupid of me to assume that he would want a child with a lady he barely knows."

"Have a little faith and you have a while to decide when you want to tell him, for now, sit and let me give you a foot massage."


"I heard it's a nice thing you can do for pregnant people." laughter comes from us as I sit down and allow her to touch my feet.

How does life go on?

Chapter Word Count: 1239 words❤️


Do you guys think he will want the baby?


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