30. Rodeo

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The grounds we are camping on are beautiful, with the lodges looking pricey but natural. He carried our bags while I carried our baby into the pod. He wanted to get one with two beds but I believed it was not necessary, Darian already sleeps in our bed most of the time.

"Everyone is already here," he says looking at his phone "They are in the dining hall."

"Can I change first?"

"Take your time, Princess." thankfully I did not listen to him when he taunted me for overpacking. As a mom, I have learnt that you need to overpack.

I change into a black fleece dress, that will keep me warm because it is cold. I already hate this trip. "Baby, we need to go."

"You are the reason we are late." he shrugs, Darian in his arms as he leans on the wall. "Come on, let's go."

We made our way to the main dining area where his family sits. He also tells me that his mother invited a few family friends.

Dasean is the first to notice us but he stays in his seat, only poking his sisters to look in our direction.

"My beautiful nephew," Danika says before taking him from Darius' hands. Destiny gives us hugs before she follows her sister back to their seats.

We sit next to his parents as his siblings gush over Darian. As he talks to his father, I find myself staring at my food.

"Bohlokoa, I would like to apologize." his mother sits next to me "I have acted unfairly towards you because I did not want my firstborn to grow up and move on and I took out those feelings on you and for that, I apologize."

"It's okay, I understand."

"I will do better and I hope we can start over."

"Yeah." I am being the bigger person because I could have said hell no but I think she is genuine and I would like to not be fighting with his mother.

"Anything I can do to make amends?" there is absolutely nothing I want from her, but I notice everyone playing with Darian and I realise that while she may not be able to do something for me, I can do something for her.

"You can look after Darian for the stay."

"I would love to."

"I will ask Darius to bring his bag to you sometime today."

"I will be waiting and also thank you." a nod and she goes back to her seat beside her husband

"What was that about?"

"She apologized for how she has been treating me but also she is babysitting the entire stay."

"So we get to have the room to ourselves." his hand on my thigh, he looks behind me and his stare is focused

"Darius?" he blinks before shaking his head "Darius?" I ask after placing my hand on his cheek

"My ex-fiance is here." what?


"My ex-fiance is here, she is sitting right there." I turn my head "Black jacket, blond hair." I notice her, she is laughing with the person next to her. She is beautiful.

"Are you going to say hi?"


"Okay. Are you going to ignore her?"

"We will see what happens but right now, I would love to take you somewhere else."


"You will see." we get up and head to our pod, he holds my hand the entire way there.

He pins me to the door wall, his leg between my legs, hand on my waist, lips on mine. By the time we leave, my pussy will be sore and my body filled with hickeys and bite marks.

Knock, knock, knock.

"It's probably my sisters, I will wait in the bedroom for you." I fix my dress before opening the door and while I was expecting his sisters, I did not realise that it could be anyone else.

"Hello, I am looking for Darius."



"It's not your sisters." he peaks out of the door before making his way to the door.


"Hey, Darius."

"How have you been?" he stands behind me, his hands on my waist and he is hiding his boner with me.

"I have been good, I heard you have a son now."

"Yeah, life is weird isn't it?"

"It is. Well, I am going to go but we should definitely catch up over a drink."

"Some other time." she smiles before backing away and I close the door.

"You were using me to hide your boner," I claim before softly punching his chest

"I was and I am sorry, do you want me to apologize?" a nod before he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He throws me onto the bed before his head is between my legs planting kisses on my thighs.


"I'm apologizing, don't interrupt me." I would laugh if I was not eager to have an orgasm. He is so charming.

"Daddy," he does a good job of teasing me "Please."

"How am I going to get you to learn?"

"Positive reinforcement works great on me."

"No, it doesn't, angel."

"Daddy, I need to cum on your tongue, please."

"If I make you cum, I need a favour."


"Good." he starts by sucking on my clit

"Oh," a whimper as he keeps sucking on me. I wonder what the favour is. Did I sign my soul to the devil for an orgasm? Sexual frustration will drive you insane. "Daddy," he inserts two fingers inside me with his mouth still on my clit.

He is insane. I am insane maybe for allowing this to go on but for being so weak for him.

"Mhh," his hand on my nipple and I am so stimulated, I am ready to cum on him "Darius,"

I cum on his tongue and rest into the bed. He hovers over and joins our lips, my cum still on his tongue. He pulls away with a smirk on his face.

"You better not ask me for anything crazy."

"A favour is a favour, Princess."

"Can I just fuck you instead?"

"No. I want my favour." I purse my lips and annoyance is plastered on my face. "You look adorable. We are going on a hike tomorrow, are you coming?"

"Yeah, would be nice to get away from you."

"I am wounded," he says before planting a kiss on my cheek. "For tonight, it is just a bonfire."

"Okay, do you want to go?"

"We are going, my mother would pull us out of here, if we did not go."


Total Chapter Word Count: 1102 Words❤️


I apologize for ditching you guys, writer's block was whipping my ass!

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