23: TV

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They all came in different cars besides Mr and Mrs Khalil but they arrived last. Darius was late as he had work to do but he made it before my mom brought out the food.

"You do not look tired, you look good."

"Because I am sleeping." I may look good but I am irritable and I hate it, one of my worst traits. "I am glad Darian sleeps through the night."

"You should check on him, during the night to make sure he is okay." his mom comments

"Darius and my mom do that."

"Okay." for the first time, I felt justified in throwing grenades at her in my mind, blowing her to pieces. Watching her die as I wrap a plastic bag around her head, is that too far? Does she think she is a better mother than me?

"I am going to check on my baby to make sure he is okay." standing up, I feel like flipping the table but my mother's hard work is on this table. Walking away is good for me. Counting my steps to calm me down, my mother says anger is not a good energy to bring around babies.

He is laying in his cot, sleeping, as he should be. He looks peaceful, happy and maybe I am crazy but he does deserve a better mother, maybe one like mine.

"They think I am a bad mom, Bereng, they think I suck at this, maybe I do. Maybe I rushed into this, maybe I was not ready, I can barely wipe your diaper, that should say something, I find your crying annoying, I find you to be pleasant because you do not wake me in my sleep, I am probably the worst mother there is." I feel a presence behind me and I turn to look and there is no one. Must have been the wind.

"You are not a bad mother." he is standing at the doorframe

"I am and you know it." walking in, he stands beside me and looks at his son, he loves him, you can see it in his eyes.

"You are struggling, I will not deny that because I am struggling too, but you love that little boy. I know that your mom knows that and Darian knows that. Maybe therapy will be good or talking to Ms Jasmine."

"I will call Ms Jasmine first, I know she will tell me if I am a bad mother."

"You are not a bad mother."

"I am in your mother's eyes. Don't pretend like I am lying."

"I am not, but I think she is not used to your style of parenting, my father was barely there to help raise us and I helped her raise my siblings so she has the mentality that you should do it all on your own but you should not have to. I am here, your mother is here and it is okay to lean on us when you can't do anything."

"I should be able to do it all by myself, my mom did it."

"Did she have help? Someone she can lean on?" shaking my head "So she did it out of necessity not desire. Let us help you." he takes my hand and holds it before placing a kiss on it "Should I bring your dinner up here?" shaking my head again

"I will go back. I need to stop acting like a child." and maybe they will not treat me like one

His hand wraps around my arm, stopping me from leaving "You were not acting like a child." he lets me go and I stay in place while he closes the space between us. He does not say a thing, neither do I.

Looking into his eyes, I want so much more than what we are but I know he does not. He values his bachelorhood and I understand his need for freedom but that does not stop my heart from hoping that we were more than acquaintances raising a baby together.

Fantasies of family vacations, family braais, Sundays spent with friends and their kids, a life I want with him that I have to mourn as I look in his eyes and remember his world and its words and commitments, the criteria and how I will never be his type. I just happened to be pregnant with his first child. What luck.

"We should get back." pulling my eyes from his gaze as he nods.

"All I am saying is, does she have to run every time she feels uncomfortable?" his mother asks

"Yes, Ma, that is what people do to remain respectful." I want to go to my bed and cry but he holds me in place, his hand around my waist, his thumb rubbing my back. I take a deep breath,

"Hormones do make pregnant women emotional and if I would like to cry in private, in my own home, I can." he pulls the chair for me

How does she want to babysit for me but she makes me cry in my house? If I am ever going to let her around my child, she needs to treat me with respect.

We continue dinner without another incident which I am thankful for. Destiny and her partner were the first to leave, I forgot their name and I was too embarrassed to ask. Danika, Joey, Dasean and their parents left at the same time and my mother was already asleep when they left.

Darius had a bit to drink and he is tired so I offer for him to stay in his room. We spoke last week about him going back to his normal routine and sleeping in his house but it seems he is going to stay longer.

He takes off his clothes before getting into his bed. I want to make sure that he is sleeping and not working.

"Good night," at the threshold ready to close the door

"Why don't you sleep with me?" furrowing my brows and pursing my lips, I look at the man as though he has grown two heads "Like you used to when you were still pregnant." not convinced, I stand still "I sleep better when you are next to me."

"Fine." while I said it without enthusiasm, my heart was doing cartwheels. "Let me fetch my bonnet." he nods and I head to my room to change and wrap my head and put on a bonnet.

"I missed this," he whispers

"It was three weeks."

"A day too long."

"Okay, you big baby."

"Just for you." stunned, I remain silent "Princess,"

"I'm still awake."

"Good. I want to fall asleep before you."

"It is not a competition, you know?"

"Everything is a competition, princess."

"Well, not with me. I don't want to compete with you, I want to be your companion, not your competitor." he stays silent and I think he is finally asleep

"That's a first," silence "But I am glad."

"Good, now go to sleep."

"You are so bossy."

Total Chapter Word Count: 1176 Words ❤️


They just need to figure out that they have feelings for each other.

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