20: Snuff

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I am in the bathtub and he is taking pictures of me again. Since I said I want intimate pictures of myself while I am pregnant, once a week, he brings out this camera and starts taking pictures, sometimes I am naked, sometimes I am asleep, others I am doing random things.

"Stay like that for me." I enjoy it, being here with him that is, he looks happy when he is doing it so I do as he says. I am not always naked in these but when I am, I do not mind, I like the rawness of them.

"Can you help me out?" he places the camera on the floor and helps me out of the bathtub. My hip no longer hurts so I can walk more, I still go to yoga classes at least once and I have a birth doula to help me during this painful period of pregnancy.

"I have to make a call, I'll be back." he walks out as I massage lotion into my skin. We are going to watch a movie together in the cinema.

When I am fully clothed, I head to the kitchen to make snacks, mostly fruit platters because that I what I eat mostly, lately the smell of meat is nauseating

My mother called earlier, she is moving things around in the nursery and I asked James to help her with anything that she needs, in case she feels as though there are things that we have not bought.

She has told me to walk every day, drink a cup of okra water and drink red raspberry leaf tea along with having fruits at least once a day, I am going to trust the opinion of a woman who has given birth three times.

"You could have asked me to fetch them," he says as I walk in with the platters in my hands.

"You can take them now." he stands up and places them on the table next to the lover's seat. "What are we watching?"

"Sit, relax and find out."

"Okay, Daddy." now that the pain is gone, I am constantly horny and I hate that he is concerned for my health, fuck my health, fuck me.

The movie starts and it is The Photograph. I lay my head on his shoulder and he moves his arm and wraps it around my shoulders, allowing me to lay on his chest.

As Mae falls for him, I look at the man who I am laying on "What?" he asks, not looking at me

"You look sexy." he chuckles but does not look at me "I want you, Daddy." a mutter but loud enough for him to hear.

"Princess, be real with me, what if I hurt you?"

"I will take painkillers, plus you will help me get this baby out of me."

"You sure?"

"If I feel uncomfortable, we will stop, I promise."

"Okay." I move to be on his lap and he joins our lips by pulling on my neck, with his other hand on my waist, he helps me move back and forth.

His kiss is intoxicating, his hands electrifying and his presence drowning, I am helpless in his arms and so is my heart. 

Undoing his pants and placing my hand in his pants to stroke him hard. He takes my dress off and I am left in my wet panties. Sliding my panties, I insert his dick inside me

"Fuck," he groans before holding my thighs and thrusting into me, he moves his hands to cup my breasts as I ride him.


"I love when you moan for me," he says before he starts hammering into me, bringing me to the brink of my climax

"Daddy, please let me cum for you," I beg as he strokes into me and rubs on my clit as well

"Cum for me." and I listen and cum all over his dick. I get off and he is still hard so I get on my knees before placing his tip on my lips.

Swirling my tongue on it, I tease him, he needs it after all the torture he put me through "Princess, please,"

"Beg better." I love being in control

"Princess, can you suck my dick and make me cum?"

"Maybe." said with a smile before I start sucking softly on his tip, while my hand caresses his balls. Running my tongue along his shaft before I place his balls into my mouth, giving them attention

"Fuck, Princess, that feels really good." he groans

"I aim to please you, Daddy," I say before taking his full length into my mouth and he places his hand at the back of my head shoving more inches into my throat.

I go back to sucking on his tip "Just like that," he says before he cums inside my mouth

"You really needed that," I say as I swallow all of his cum, nearly filled my mouth.

"You look so beautiful," he says as I put my dress back on

"Thank you." we finish the movie before we get another shower.

Total Chapter Word Count: 853 Words❤️

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