34. Meeting Across The River

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We have been here for two weeks and I have had the most fun spending time with my family. My spirit feels renewed.

I wish I could spend more time with my family. The fact that they are all here and I am supposed to leave does not seem right to me but I have to. Home is not here and I can feel that something is missing.

I also do not feel well about keeping Darian away from his father even longer. They have already spent too long apart.

A hoot and the gate opens, Darian and I come from the beach, it is his happy place so I will have to get him a sandbox in London. He will surely miss it. He grew up being an island boy, he would have a hard time adjusting to just grass.

"Do you want some tea?" she asks as we get into the house

"Yes. Darian, do you want juice?"

"Yes, please."

"He is so cute. Okay, I will go get them for you." she goes into her kitchen while we go into the living room.

Darian gets on the floor to play with Lewatle's old toys, while I mindlessly scroll TikTok, waiting for tea.

"Daddy?" I turn to see who he is talking to and there he stands, tall, handsome and scruffy.

"Hey, Little one, can I get a hug." he runs up to hug his father, who picks him up to wrap him in his embrace.

They share a moment, it brings tears to my eyes but I do not let them fall."Hello, Princess."

A few shallow breaths before I tread into his arms too. A few stray tears make their way onto his shirt. He places a kiss on my forehead, letting his lips linger on my skin.

I have missed him, his arms wrap around my waist, leaving only our clothes between us and being in his embrace makes me not want to leave.

"I missed you," he whispers, his voice thin and low.

"I missed you." we hold on and for a moment, it feels like it is just him and I, no worries about how long it has been or what problems we have or will have.

"You two are adorable." we pull apart at my sister's words and a chuckle escapes his throat as I wipe my eyes. "I did not mean you should pull apart," she says placing the tray on the table.

She picks Darian up and sits with him on the opposite side of the table. Darius leads me to the chair and helps me sit down. While I want to look away, all I can do is look at him, not fully believing that my man sits in front of me.

He has dark circles around his eyes and while his hair is in a perfect bun and his beard is freshly trimmed, I know he has been having a hard time. I rub my thumb on the back of his hand as he looks at Darian.

Our little bundle of love and joy as he drinks juice on his aunt's lap.

"I thought your parents were here."

"They are, they went to get some medicine for my dad."


"So are you all leaving tomorrow or are you delaying your flight?"


"We will see, Amo," Darius says for me.

"Darian's birthday is in a month." two months after that in June, it is Darius' forty-ninth birthday.

"I can not stay here a month." Darius says looking at me, "I have been absent from work for way too long."

"Can we talk about this?" he lets out a defeated sigh before standing up. While I am happy to see him, I do not think he is considering all the factors.

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