14: Marcy Me

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Do I visit my sister often? No.
Should I visit my sister often? Yes but I hate her husband.

"Bk!" she says running to hug me

"Amo!" lasting long, I know she needs the hug

"You are really pregnant."

"I am." we laugh before she holds my arm "Is he here?" she shakes her head

"He is at work, who is he?"

"This is Darius, my baby's father."

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hello Darius, you sound British."

"I am from England."

"Close enough. Why did you get my little sister pregnant?"

"That was not my intention." she glares at him before meeting my gaze with kind eyes

"Boy or girl?"


"Oh, my word! They are a handful."

"Don't say that."

"I warned you, come inside let me make you something."

"We won't stay long."

"Don't worry about it."

What is my problem with Henry? He is an abusive little shit. Verbally abusive but same difference. Amo makes excuses for that deranged animal like she gets paid for it. When she was earning more than him, he made her quit the job because "No woman is going to earn more than me!" what he meant is that no kaffir is going to earn more than him.

While we have all urged her to leave, she wants to stay, raise Lewatle in a happy home. Shr refuses to see how soul sucking the enviroment is. We tried removing her from him and she came running back.

"Mama wrote you a letter." I hand it over "You should read it when you are alone." she nods before making us tea. If Henry walked in right now, he would see three Kaffirs enjoying tea he bought and I wish it would be enough to cause a stroke, that man does not deserve to live.

We barely enjoyed our tea before making our way out of the house and to the airport because Henry was on the way back from work. I wished I could see my sister often but she is headstrong about staying with Henry.

"You look good." he says as I take off my jacket to get comfortable on the plane. We are headed back to London.

Goodbye South Africa, you have taught me so much, given me even more and grown parts I did not even know existed, so Thank you and see you soon.

"You just want to see me naked," I respond to his thirsty eyes

"That I do not mind."

"No touching, my boobs are painful."

"Can I rub your belly?" a nod and he comes up behind me to rub my belly, the smile on his face is the brightest I have ever seen, I think he is realising the life I am creating.

I am still trying to get used to how cold London is, and I think it is not necessarily the temperature but rather the vibe, why is it gloomy? I will never understand that.

"Listen, I am in my study, if you need me that's where I am."

"Okay, I am going to take a nap." he nods before going to his study while I go into his room, I am extremely fatigued these days and I hate that.

As I try to sleep, I receive an email with a secured dossier on who they would like me to find and while I am always eager to help law enforcement, I am too tired to even attempt to work. I also have no access to my laptops for a few weeks.

"Mr Gumede?"

"It's Athena. My equipment is out of order for a few weeks so if this was a high priority, I can not help you."

"You are the only one that can help us, whenever you find them, send the location over, and we will wait on you."


"Double the normal, this one is slimy."

"Thanks for the warning." I hang up just in time to beat the tracker. I only accept payment in diamonds, they are so easy to sell and they can be hard to trace, not impossible but hard nonetheless.

Laying on my side I try to sleep, I just would like to be able to lay on my stomach.

"Fuck!" I let out unable to sleep

"What is it?"

"I can't sleep!" I want to cry because why can I not sleep on my stomach? That is all I want, I am not asking for the sun, moon and stars.

"Anything I can do?"

"No, just leave!" he turns to leave "No, don't leave, come here,"

"What do you want?"

"I want to sleep and I want you to sleep with me."

"I have work,"

"Oh," disappointed, I cover my head with the blanket

"No, I can find time to sleep."

"Okay." he gets in and I turn so my back is to his chest and he pulls me closer

"It's okay, I'm here." he whispers and a few tears leave my eyes.

Total Chapter Word Count: 830 Words❤️

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