18: Best Thing

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We walked into the room and I met their partners, Courtney and Joey. Chloe seemed to enjoy their company and everyone got along well. Both couples do not have children meaning that our son would be the first grandchild.

It was then that I understood why she was visibly hurt by us not asking her to babysit.

"Darius, I'm sorry but this is just too much pain, I am not comfortable with it." he looks worried

"What's wrong?"

"My pelvic area is burning like it's going to fall," I whisper to him, part of me feels ashamed to share this but, he has seen me naked, so I should not feel ashamed.

"Okay, let me text Dr Stevens and Tom." Tom is his driver "Tom is fifteen minutes away, Dr Stevens will meet us at her office and asks that you lay down." a nod from me "Mom, we are going to lay down and wait for Tom."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is okay," I respond not wanting the attention to be on me.

"Are you comfortable?" he is sitting on the ground and holding my hand.

"It's okay, tell me a story."


"Anything." a deep breath.

"I burnt that wall," he points to it "I had bought it for my parents, it was in the first month that we had it. A few friends of mine and I were smoking marijuana and we left the fireplace on when we went outside and one of them had spilt alcohol and it caught on fire and burnt a large part of the wall."

"You smoke weed?"

"I used to."

"We are going to smoke weed together when this demon is out of me."

"It's okay, you're okay, I'm here."

"I fucking hate this," tears stuck in my throat, we wait in silence but his thumb keeps rubbing my hand.

When his driver came, we said goodbye to everyone, Darius' mom handed me a gift bag and told me to look at it when I get time.

Pregnancy is never a good idea, why do people even do this to themselves? Some even do it multiple times. I do not want to go through this again.

Dr Stevens wanted to make sure that the baby was okay and not in any danger. He was growing fine, she was pleased with how healthy he looked.

She takes my left leg and raises it to my chest, a deep breath and she shifts it to the right and I release a hiss. She apologises before repeating what she did on the opposite side and evoking the same reaction.

"The weight of the growing baby is affecting you. Your body is releasing relaxin which helps your cartilage stretch but in this case, it is causing acute hip impingement."

"Oh," she explains that the cavity is what is affected and that yoga, light exercise and massages can help alleviate the pain. She also gave me some Tylenol and asked that I buy a body pillow for when I sleep to help take the pressure off my hip.

When we got inside the house, he carried me into bed even going as far as helping me out of my dress and removing my make-up.

"We need to discuss names at some point, my mother asked if we were thinking of names and I said no."

"Here is what I had in mind, first name from your side of the family and second name from my side."

"Your surname or mine?"

"Yours." he nods. "Have you never thought about what you want to name your son?"

"I mean, I know what I do not want to name him, no biblical names."

"I agree with that."

"We can look for yoga instructors tomorrow."

"And massage therapists."

"Yeah," he says tiredly,

"You should sleep."

"No, I'm good," he says acting like he does not want to sleep


"Why what?"

"Why don't you want to fall asleep?"

A moment goes by, "In case you need me to do something."

"Then I will wake you up, Darius, go to sleep."

"You are so bossy."

"I want what's best for you."

"I do too, that's why I want to stay awake."

"I won't die if you sleep for a few hours, I had a few painkillers, and I am going to sleep soon."

"Then I will sleep when you sleep." his eyes are closed

Moments pass by and I feel my eyelids getting heavy and sleep close by

"Good night."

"Good night, I love you." if you do not focus on it, it does not exist. He is probably saying that to the baby.

When I woke up, his side was empty like always only difference today was that he was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good morning."


"What is wrong?"

"My pelvis hurts," I say before sitting on his couch as I watch him cook "Please bring the Tylenol with you when you come to give me the food." he nods and continues slaving away at the pots

"How is the house coming?"

"Last I spoke to Melissa, she said that the only thing missing was personal touches. The Nursery as well is waiting on my baby things and they will be here in two weeks."

"Okay, what does my room look like?"

"Like mine, there is just a bed, if you want anything added, I can talk to Melissa."

"No, it's fine, I am not living there, I am a guest."

"No, but you will be spending a lot of time there, at least let it be comfortable."

"Bk, it's okay." he never calls me Bk



Total Chapter Word Count: 945 words ❤️


Just a note, I think people are not understanding that Bk is depressed during this pregnancy, which makes her unable to fully love this child that she chose to have. She is alone, in a foreign country, in immense pain, awful mood swings and no form of comfort. She is projecting those feelings onto her baby but that does not mean that she does not want him.

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