07: Facing My Fears

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Two months and a week after Chapter 06
Six months after St Tropez Trip


When I hit week 20, my belly just inflated, I had to buy new clothes, my diet changed and I got fired from work as I expected, he made up some crafty excuse about not doing my work promptly and not holding up my end of the contract but I was happy to no longer be working there.

Who wants to be stuck in a soul-sucking job when you are about to bring new life into the world?

I am almost ready to buy a house, just left with a few more jobs and I will be able to afford the home I want. Lerato is looking for a roommate that will move in after me and so far, she has not found someone she likes.

I had to tell my friends and they were mostly happy, a little shock and worry but we are all good. I still have not told my family about the father, it is a weird topic, I can not bring myself to tell my parents about it.

"How long are you going for?" Lerato asks

"The most I will spend there is a week but if things go bad, I will be back as soon as I can."

"Call if you need anything, okay?" Sasha reminds

"I will. Do not worry, guys, I will be fine."

"I am more worried about my Godchild, keep them safe okay?" I nod before wrapping my arms around Thato

"I'm going to be fine." I packed for winter as it is still quite cold in the UK, my suitcase is a bit heavy and they are helping me with it.

Eleven hours of flying, thankfully, first class has allowed me to sleep better. I have never liked flying commercial. ever since we could afford to charter private jets, the girls and I have always opted for that over commercial and I am always reminded why when I step on a plane.

When I got to Heathrow, customs was a hassle and while I will always have patience, it was way too much, too soon. Their executive lounge was also quite lacklustre.

"Is it your first?" a lady that sits next to me asks

"Yeah, it is."

"I have had three, all girls."

"Oh, that must be fun."

"You would think, at times it was and at others, hell I tell you. Are you excited?"

"A bit, also scared, first mom jitters."

"All you can do is try your best. I am here to see my eldest, she is studying medicine!" she boasts

"Oh, that is huge, how many years left?"

"This is her last year of residency, she is going to make a phenomenal surgeon."

"I am sure she is, what about your other daughter, what do they do?"

"My second, Jamila is studying fashion in New York while Fatima, my youngest is doing her first year of architecture."

"Oh, that is wonderful. Sounds like you are a great mom."

"She is." a younger lady says walking closer to us

"This is my daughter, Zaya."

"Pleasure to meet you," I say shaking her hand

"Thank you for keeping her company."

"Oh, she kept me company. Have a safe journey."

"You too, I know you will make a great mother, ma’a salama."


From the airport, I came directly to my hotel. I wanted to take a nap before I do anything else. I woke up and the clock said 19:23 and I knew talking to Darius had to wait until tomorrow. So I ordered room service and connected to my Netflix.

Was it stupid of me to come here? Is it naive? All these questions that plague my mind cause my anxiety to flare, my heart starts beating faster than I am comfortable with and my breathing gets worse.

I sit on the bed and try to bring my thighs to my chest but my bump is in the way, rage comes over me


knock, knock, knock. Fucking room service. After taking my food, I decided to call my friend

"Hey baby, how are you?"

"I made it."

"You do not sound good."

"I just had an anxiety attack, I am fine, I screamed it out, I am just scared. What if he rejects the baby like I fear?"

"Then you come home to people that love you and that baby, his loss not yours."

"What about the baby, what will I say when they ask about their dad?"

"The truth mixed with a lot of sugar coating. They will be so loved, they will have no time to think about what they do not have because they will be focused on what they do have."

"Thank you, you always know how to make me feel better."

"Is that not what friends are for?"

"It is, let me not keep you from Sindi, tell her I say hi."

"Will do, I love you, Bk."

"I love you too, Thato." she hangs up and I focus on the meal in front of me, creamy chicken on a bed of mashed potatoes. I went to sleep shortly after eating, pregnancy fatigue is no joke.

Sometimes we wish we were more courageous and instead of getting courage in a bottle, we get opportunities to be courageous and today is mine.

Winters are not fun. The coats, teas, hot food and worst of all, gloves, I hate how they feel on my skin. I had a hard time putting my boots on but I figured it out with the help of a hanger. I am trying to focus on everything but meeting with Darius.

On the drive over to his office, I texted Thato to calm me down, I needed it, I was about to be face to face with a man that would either reject my baby or embrace this child of his.

The lobby was extremely busy and loud, it frightened me a bit. Making my way over to the queue. Long lines when you are pregnant are hell.

"Good day, how may we help you, today."

"Good day, I have a meeting with Mr Darius Khalil." I hacked into his calendar, he really should have a better firewall.

"Oh, Mrs James, twenty-four, turn left and at the end of the hall, you will find his office."

"Thank you." How will I explain the appointment? I have absolutely no idea. Thankfully you can not see that I am pregnant in this coat.

The elevator doors open and I head left. The hallway is rather long, in front of his office is his secretary and they are not there.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Come in." moment of truth.

Chapter Word Count: 1079 Words❤️


We can wait a moment longer for his reaction


ma’a salama- I leave you in peace

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