43: NEWS

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Darius has met with a psychiatrist who specialises in trauma counseling. He has decided that he does not want anyone else to know and I understand.

Tonight we have dinner with his family. It will be the first time that they come to our home and I want everything to go well.

I began preparing for the dinner yesterday. Darius helped me quite a bit but I wanted to do most of it myself.

An hour before dinner, I make my way upstairs to bath. Ms Gertrude and Molly set the table while Jess and Olivia prepared the guest bedrooms in case they want to stay the night.

"Do you think this is too much?" I show him a black cowl slip dress. My breasts are protruding out of the dress. "Yeah, it is."

"I did not say that."

"Yeah, I did. Why did I not go shopping?" I opt for a baby blue high-neck dress. "This okay?"

"You look beautiful."

"It's not too much?"

"Nothing you do could ever be too much." a smile as I sit in front of my vanity and unpin my hair and watch as it frames my face.

Light make-up and I head to Darian's bedroom where his father is dressing him. Everyone is already here so we are late to our own dinner party.

"Thank you all for coming, Bohlokoa put a lot of effort into this so I would like to thank her for that." he raises his glass "To love and family." We toast with him and Darian tries to toast with us but he spills some grape juice on my dress.

"Sorry, Mama."

"It's okay, Baba." a kiss on his forehead before I focus on dishing up for us. He likes eating from our plates and so sometimes it is impractical to pour his food onto a separate plate.

Darius is talking to his father while I am talking to Danika, Darian is drawing on the floor.

"When are you getting married?" Chlöe asks Darius,

"Ma," he warns

"No, that is a good question, You are nearly fifty."

"Let's not talk about it." I defend him.

"Fine but you should propose soon." his mother warns.

We enjoy the night and they all go home driven by David and John.

We tuck Darian into bed before making our way into bed.

"Would you like to get married?"

"One day, yes." he nods before he continues watching the ceiling. Snuggled close to him, sleep has an easier time finding me when I am with him.

Instead of Darian waking us up, I get woken by the urge to vomit. I am vomiting into the toilet bowl and I feel a hand on my back.

"Are you okay?" he asks as I brush my teeth.

"Yeah, I think it is stress."

"You should go to the doctor."

"I am fine."

"Even if it is stress, you should see the doctor."

"Fine, I will make an appointment."

"I can ask my GP to come here."

"I will go to the doctor, you look after Darian." he lets out a groan "Ah! My baby is a delight to be around."

"Yes, he is but I really want to sleep."

"That's why we have a live-in nanny."

"True, maybe I do not want you to leave."

"I am going to the doctor as you suggested. I will be gone for two hours max."

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