15: The Prisoner

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"Bohlokoa?" he wakes me



"Okay." he stands beside the bed waiting for me to get up. I hold my hands out so he can help me up and he does. I head to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Tell me, we agreed that we can see other people but I am not particularly comfortable with my child seeing you with other people."

"Well, same here."

"So how are we fixing that issue?"

"I think it goes with the fact that I am not comfortable with seeing them moving from house to house so like he needs to stay in one house and that will be my primary residence and we can alternate weeks where I stay elsewhere and you stay with them."

"Okay, so how about you stay in your house and I live in when I have time?"

"Yeah, you have your room and you can have your flings and relationships here." I do not know why I am acting like I do not want him like I do not want a relationship, why can he not suggest it? Does he not find me attractive?

"I will have my assistant look for homes for you and you can decide on one."

"Okay." we continue eating in silence

"You seem unhappy."

"I'm fine."

"I may not know you well but something is bothering you."

"Pregnancy with a stranger and moving across the world for them to be able to raise their child tends to do that to a person."

"I apologize for the inconvenience, anything I can do to make you feel at ease and comfortable, I will."

"Honestly, I just need space to breathe, to process. It's all moving too fast and there is nothing I can do to slow it down."

"Okay, I hear you, what can I do?"

"I do not want to have to think about it all, everything," tears start streaming down my face "I just, I." he stands up and walks towards me, he kneels in front of me taking my hand into his

"I am listening." tear just flow from my eyes and I get on my knees to hug him,

"I wish I could stop it all," he says nothing and continues rubbing my back. I barely want my old life back, I was unfulfilled and unhappy but a baby is only going to make matters worse. I just wish I was never born.

He stands up and holds his hands out to lift me before he snakes his hand around the back of my knees and the other under my armpit carrying me into his bedroom.

He tucks me in and not a word is said between us. After some time when he thinks I am asleep, he gets out of the bed

"Don't leave." a whisper, hopefully, he heard

"I am still here, just changing."

"Okay." the bed dips again and I know he is behind me, he places a hand on my belly and I move closer to him.

I hate how overwhelming it all is, feeling every slight dip in emotion, feeling irritated at any and every inconvenience or unwanted outcome. I hate how I have no help from anyone and how alone I feel.

Darius leaves early for work and comes back late. I do not mind having space but I have nothing to do and I am bored and I hate it. The same cycle for days and weeks on end.

"Hey, Thato."

"Hey, how are you? How is the gloomy city treating you?"

"Yoh, I hate it here, I am so bored!"

"I can guess, I feel for you babe."

"Like I watch TV every single day and now I am tired of it."

"But babe, you have to find something to do, have you made a nursery?"

"Girl, I barely have a house."

"You are seven months pregnant, if I were you, I would get the house today."

"You are so right. I will talk to Darius' assistant,  how are you doing?"

"Sindi and I got into it yesterday because her brother made a few homophobic comments and she defended him."

"Maybe you need to reconsider your relationship."

"I really love her."

"I know babe but if she refuses to learn how harmful homophobia is to people like us and the history of hatred behind that rhetoric maybe it's time to reconsider having her in your life, my love."

"I don't want to let go."

"Doing what is easy now does not mean it will get better."

"Fuck! This is hard."

"I am here for you, all the way."

"I know, babe, I know, listen, I have to go but I will definitely talk to you later."

"Bye, babe."

"Bye-bye baby." she hangs up and leaves me to my boredom. I hate it here! I head to the kitchen for a snack.

As I am making my sandwich, the door opens and it is James, Darius' PA.



"Mr Khalil asked that I come with the options right away so you can look over them and decide which you would like." a nod and he sits down on the counter taking out a few files

"Would you like something, coffee, tea, sandwich?"

"Juice please." a nod before I start pouring the juice into his glass before handing it to him. "Thank you."

We went over each house and its advantages and disadvantages. What was important to me was an ample backyard for recreational purposes, at least four bedrooms, for myself, the baby, Darius, and a guest bedroom. I wanted a big kitchen, I want to learn how to cook, bake, and more because I am having a child and they deserve fresh baked goods and home-cooked meals.

We opt for a house that is close to a school but far from London, with five bedrooms, a big kitchen, and a massive yard it was hard not to like it.

Once James left, I was all alone yet again, twiddling my thumbs. I hate my life.

Total Word Count: 1006❤️


I feel for her🥺


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