17: Late Nights

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He went scuba diving like he always wanted,  I do not understand how he could have all this money but he does not enjoy it.

We also went shark feeding and I enjoyed it. I love sharks and the fact that I could be this close to them, fills me with joy.

We visited a few caves, went to a natural spa, not a big fan but he loved it. We went whale watching and I was in awe of the big animals.

We also went on a boat trip that I was not fond of, I was seasick and that was not good, I hated the experience and I usually love boat rides, this baby is taking my joy away!

I was rather sad when it was time to leave, it was fun getting to know that Darius enjoys watching rugby and cooking which is why he has no chef. Learning that he knows seven languages and has travelled most of the world. He also wanted a little girl but is excited about a boy.

I am dreading meeting his parents, in fact, his family because we are going to dinner and his siblings will be there. I had to go shopping for a dress to wear. I spend most of my time in the house so I do not have a lot of clothes that are dressy and fit my belly.

Darius said it would not be a big deal, his family is mellow and to not stress but I think he is only trying to make me feel better because I have seen the pictures of his family.

They are all successful and amazing as well. Danika, the sister that follows him is a partner at one of the best law firms in the world, Destiny, who is third in order of birth, is a UN Ambassador and Dasean, the last born of the house is an actor. His parents were accountants but they are retired.

I chose a long-sleeved, floor-length dress, I am covering nearly my entire body besides the back as it is backless, that is why I chose it. I wish I could dress as slutty as I wished but I have to have some respect for the belly and the baby that lives in there.

"Are you okay?" he asks as he pulls up to his parents mansion.


"It's okay, they are not that scary and I am with you all the way." Darius is the first born so I know his siblings respect him but Desean is thirty nine, making him twelve years older than me. What makes me nervous is how will they see our age gap.

A butler named Clifford opens the door, takes our coats and leads us into the dining room.

"Darius!" his brother comes up to us, they share a hug before he holds his hand out "Dasean."

"Bk, pleasure to meet you."

"Is she cooking?" Dasean nods before going back to his seat, "Let's go to my mom." I am wearing sandals because my feet are swollen and I just want to sit down, my hips hurt, my back hurts, I am hurt, I do not want to be here. If I am on my feet too long, my pelvic area starts to hurt.

We walk into the kitchen and his parents are there along with his sisters who are sitting around the counter as the dad cooks.

"Why are you two in here?" he jests with his sisters

"Leave us alone." Destiny gets off her chair and comes my way "I am Destiny."

"Bk, it's a pleasure to meet you." she nods

"This is Danika,"

"Pleasure to meet you." Danika shakes my hand

"These are my parents," I look to where Darius was standing and he is no longer there.

"Chlöe," his mom says opening her arms for a hug and I accept "This is my husband Corey." I wave to him as he is cooking. "How far along are you?"

"Seven months." I am so uncomfortable, I do not like meeting new people. They continue asking questions and I answer them. Soon enough, Mr Khalil senior asks that we get seated.

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