19: Blue Skies

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Walking into the kitchen, I expected to see him making breakfast, instead, he was playing video games with James.

I could not walk for long as I could hurt my hips and so I am only coming to fetch painkillers then head back to bed.

"We are going for a maturity shoot tonight."

"Tonight?" a nod "I am so tired,"

"You will be seated most of the time and it will not take more than an hour."

"Fine, what am I wearing?"

"I will have someone get a few dresses ready for you." a nod and he heads back to his study.

We are nine months pregnant and he can not wait to meet them. We have three weeks and if they are not here by then, I might get induced.

My house is ready and I would move in but I need help so I will only move in when the baby is born. My mother is coming in a week or so and I am excited, beyond over the moon.

My sister said she is sorry she can not come because of Lewatle, I took that as Henry and his bitch ass did not want her traveling without him. I plan on going to visit her when the baby boy is a few months old maybe in September.

We are still to decide on a name, Darius keeps coming up with dumb, stupid names. Never put your faith in a man. We have to hurry up and pick a name because I do not want any surprises when he is born.

Darius keeps trying to get Darius Junior to stick but it does not work for me. Imagine your son and his father having the same name. That is not cute and it might feel suffocating for him to be in his father's shadow.

After a few hours, James drops off a few dresses for me to choose from and I pick the easiest one to put on. I am not in the mood for any of this today.

I start getting ready by fixing my braids, after a nice long bath of course. The ones in front are starting to look crazy but I am not taking them out anytime soon. After fixing the front with gel, I focus on my make-up. I opted for a pink dress. A dominant colour for my little prince.

He asked that I close my eyes so that they can catch my reaction to the set. Closing my eyes, I feel his hand raise, probably to make sure that my eyes are covered. He helps me inside the studio and while it is scary, I know that he can catch me so I am not as afraid.

"Okay, stand here."

"Darius, hurry up I am tired." I hear a bit of laughter, he lifts his hand, I open my eyes and I am not in a studio but rather a ballroom and my friends are here. I am so focused on my friends, I do not notice my sister and mother.

He holds me upright as I want to fall to the ground. They make their way to hug me.

"Why did you not tell me you were here?"

"Then this wouldn't be a good surprise." my sister says

"What is this?"

"Your push party," he says, pulling the chair for me and I sit down. There are people here that I do not know, I notice his family is here but there are many people I do not recognize.

"When did you get here?"

"Two days ago," Sasha answers.

"And we are here for a week so we won't be here for when you give birth," Neo interjects

"It's okay. I will probably see you guys in September anyway." hopefully I can "Tell me how is life?" we catch up and before long the first course is served

"You look so pretty." Amo compliments as she sits beside me

"I do not feel beautiful at this time."

"I know the hell you feel but you do not look like your problems."

"Thank you, where are you guys staying?"

"At your house."

"Lucky. I am only moving in after I have given birth."

"Well, you will have Mom there to help you."

"Yeah. I am happy about that." I am so tired, I could sleep forever. The entrée is served and after I am done eating, Darius pulls me away to a different room, it looks like a photography studio.

"I was not completely lying when I said that you have a maternity shoot today." we get ready for the photos and I enjoy posing with him, I am grateful that we have so much chemistry, it helps us co-exist and I hope it never goes away.

When we are done he leads us back and helps me sit down, when you are this heavy, doing everything hurts and is difficult.

"Thank you everyone for coming, thank you to those that kept this a secret, you did great. Most importantly, thank you to the mother of my child for the greatest gift of them all. Also no phones." a few groans "I mean it." as he sits down the DJ starts playing and waiters come out with a variety of drinks.

I head to where he is standing with a group of guys. They look around his age as well. I tap his arm to get his attention and he turns to face me
"Hello." I wave not to be rude "I am tired,"

"Darius, are you not going to introduce us?" one of the men ask

"Yeah, are you ashamed of us?"

"Bohlokoa, these are my friends, Mark, Lucus, Will, and Chris."

"Pleasure to meet you, Ms," they say together and all I offer in return is a smile

"We have to go so I will see you soon." they nod and have a bro hug before he comes my way "You need to at least say goodbye."

Annoyed, I make my way to the booth "Hello everyone, as Darius said earlier, thank you for coming, it has been a wonderful night and I am grateful that you all were here to celebrate this life that I am creating. Be safe and enjoy the rest of your night." I hand the mic back to the DJ and my friends make their way to hug me goodbye.

Total Chapter Word Count: 1068 words❤️


We are close to birthing time.

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