50: Bells

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Today is the day of the wedding. My dress was designed by my favourite designer, Elle Saab and every time I look at it, my eyes fill with tears. We are in Santorini, Greece.

My sister is my maid of honour, and Danika, Destiny, Sasha, Neo and Thato are my bridesmaids.

Darian is the flower boy and Lerato and Dior are the ring bearers.

Taking a look in the mirror, I feel the tears wanting to come out but I take a deep breath and remember how long this look took.

My sister opens the door to the adjoining room and Darius is facing the opposite direction of the door.

"You make look now." He turns around and his lips curve into a bright smile and before long, there are tears in his eyes. "Don't cry, because then I'm gonna cry."

"It is hard stopping them once they are already out, you know." a giggle escaped my lips and I do want to kiss him but Amo is here to remind us not to touch.

"You are breathtaking."

"Thank you, love, you look dashing, I kept wondering what your suit would look like and I like this black."

"Thank you, could never go wrong with a great black." being here with him, calms my nerves. I was nervous to be in front of everyone and walk down the aisle but now I feel like I can.

The clock rings and it is time for us to go say our vows. With my bouquet in hand, I make my way down the aisle with my father holding my arm.

He lets go of my hand and Darius holds his out for me to take. He helps me onto the altar and we hold hands as we face the officiant.

"When two lost souls find home in each other, a star is born and like with all things, tribulations are a must but when love is in the room, mountains become ant hills, oceans become puddles and continents become rafts. Darius and Bohlokoa's love story is one of perfect timing, obstacles and rekindling. We join them today as they confess their love for each other in front of their families and friends and become one in the eyes of the state." laughter erupts from the crowd. "Bohlokoa is first."

"Never in my life have I been loved so freely,
Never has love felt so genial,
Never has love felt so soft,
Never has love felt so easy,
Never has love been my reason to live and never has love looked as good as you. I am ready to be your wife and the air that you breathe." he starts laughing at my last statement but I am not lying, if I die, he better follow me to my grave.


"I do not know how I am going to top that but like with everything else, you always do it better than I do." laughter can be heard in the crowd "From the moment I knew I loved you, I have wanted to marry you. You are the funniest person I know, the kindest, the most stubborn, the most captivating individual, I have ever laid my eyes on and never has my heart reacted the way it does when you walk into a room. You make me want to be a better man, a man who cares, a man who steps up, a man who is worthy of being loved by someone as amazing as you. I hope when our children are older and my hair is grey that you still love me the same, I know that I will always love you, the love I have for you transcends this lifetime and when we are both dead, buried next to each other, I will claw out of my casket and into yours, just to hold your hand."  A string of coos in the crowd and there are tears in our eyes.

"With those touching words, I pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss your spouse." he smiles before joining our lips.

Our first kiss as a married couple. Who would have thought this is where we would end up the first time, I danced on him?

As we pull apart, Darian immediately runs towards us and asks Darius to carry him. We are headed to take pictures before we head back into our suite so I can get changed, he is just taking his blazer off.

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