04: Back To Reality

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Two Months After Chapter 03 + St Tropez Trip


"Tladi, how far are we with the updates on Templex?" it has been a few weeks since my holiday and I wish I could go back. All the passion I could muster would not be enough for me to love doing this.

"A few more bugs to figure out and then I will present them to you."

"Good, good." Zack, my boss, walks back into his office

"When you are done, can you help me figure this out?" Lexi asks

"What is it?"

"I don't know what I did but every time the robot goes to clean the folder, it crashes the entire device."

"Okay, give me a few days."

"Thank you, Zack would have killed me if I never figured it out."

"So you owe me one."

"Big time," she says before leaving my space. I look at the clock and it reads back 17h36, I start getting ready to leave.

"Lerato?" we live together and she is usually here getting ready for the night, I stay in and code. While they party and have fun, I clock in for my second job, the one that frankly, pays for my expenses.

"Hey baby, listen, Kagiso, Brandon, and Ty are coming with us to Taboo, do you want to come?" I had a huge crush on Ty, how could I not, he is tall and handsome with amazing hands that are always so veiny.

"Not tonight, I have work to finish." she shrugs and goes back to her room. The work that I do for Zack, I usually finish in a night but I say I am still busy for a few months so he does not give me more, in his eyes, I am an underachiever. I spend most of my time being a hacker for CID and SSA while being a cracker for hire.

I hate my job, it is not challenging on any level but finding criminals and also helping them is fun. Is playing a double life fun? No, that part is absolutely fun because you have to be a creative liar so your circle does not find out or get angry that you are being secretive.

"Babe, which dress?" she says after barging into my room with two cocktail dresses on hangers.

"The blue one always makes you feel good."

"That is true. Zack overworks you."

"It's my fault for being the best programmer he has."

"You and being the smartest person to ever exist."

"I try my best, tell me, are you guys planning on going anywhere after the club?"

"We do not have a confirmed second location but Sindi and Thato are good so probably their place because of the pool."

"If things change, text me, I would love to join you."

"Okay, babes, let me finish up," she says as she walks out of my room.

After I have set up my scrambler, my phone rings and it is my mom


"Boka, o tla hae neng?" She always does this

"In a few weeks, I promise."

"Mmh, okay, I saw the photos on Instagram, still no boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"Nope. I am too caught up in work, Ma, so I would lower my hopes of a grandchild from me anytime soon."

"Do you not want kids? Is that it?"

"No, I do want kids but Ma, I want my children to have a two-parent household like I did."

"Okay, you better get to working on that then, imagine getting pregnant with someone you do not know."

"Yeah, I hear you. How is he?"

"Been better, he is taking it a day at a time, Yesterday he went to the shop by himself and did not get lost."

"Good. Look Ma, I have to go but I will call you soon and then I should know when I am coming home."

"You must visit because if you don't the only time you will be called to see me is when I am in a casket."

"Ma, let's not."


"Bye." she hangs up, allowing me to get back to my work.

It is a few minutes after midnight and I am headed to Thato and Sindi's house. I am driving there because I will probably have to drive Lerato home.

"Hey, Guys?"

"In the back," Brandon answers. They are in the pool with glasses of alcohol around the stairs going into the pool

"Okay, are you guys okay?"

"I need another glass of whiskey."

"Yeah," Sasha says backing up her man, I hand them the bottle of Jameson

"You guys together again?" I ask of Sasha as I sit on the lounger.

"Yeah, we decide that it was petty." good for them. I mean they have been fighting for the past two months.

"You know what we should talk about now that you are here, vacation to The Maldives, all of us this time," Sindi says.

"We did not want to leave you out of the discussion. We were thinking of going in about three months."

"How much?"

"Fifteen thousand rand." these vacations are always so fucking expensive

"I have five k left from the last trip in my Trip account so we can talk about finances in three months," I answer

"Thats better, I have one."

"So we have three months to raise a hundred and twenty thousand?"

"There are eight of us." lerato says

"I will plan this with sober people."

"We are sober!"

"No, you are not."

"Would we be drunk if we did this?" they ask before splashing me with water.

"These are some drunk shenanigans!" I scream as I take a towel and try to dry myself. Sometimes I look at my friends and they may not be much but they mean the world to me.

Chapter Word Count: 1024 words❤️


What a short chapter compared to the previous ones but that is how it is going to be.


CONTEXT + Translations

CID: The Crime Intelligence Division of the South African Police Service is an intelligence agency that tracks criminal elements within the Republic of South Africa

SSA: The State Security Agency is responsible for all non-military foreign intelligence and for counterintelligence within the Service itself.

"o tla hae neng?" = When are you coming home?

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