35. Most People Are Good

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Getting ready for lunch was exasperating, Darian is running around acting like he does not have to wear pants.

He is still potty training, he stumbled to it by himself but he is still learning how to master, going when your body tells you to.

Does he wear a diaper? No. Should he wear a diaper? I honestly do not know but he does not wear one. I just travel with extra pairs of underwear, pants, wipes and a few diapers in my bag.

"Darian, listen to your mom." he nods before running towards me. Darius is working before lunch. I can not believe the man. He did help with bathtime but he keeps allowing his emails amd calls to pull him away.

After he is dressed and ready, we head to the V&A waterfront. I promised him ice cream so we came to get ice cream. I do not like going back on my promises.

We do some shopping to calm him down before we head to the car. By the time we get to the car, he is falling asleep. I buckle him in before covering him with a blanket. A kiss on the forehead before I go to help Darius put the bags in the boot by leaning on the car and looking beautiful.

"Did you get with someone while I was gone?"

"No." he closes the boot.

"Why?" he chuckles but does not answer. He tries to go into the car "Darius, you are seriously not ignoring me?" he closes the door

"Let's drop it."

"Stop avoiding the question and I will drop it. If you did not get with someone it should be easy to answer."

"No, it is not, please drop it and let's go."


"Bohlokoa, drop it."

"Not until you give me a satisfactory answer." I cross my arms to show him the gravity of the matter. While it may seem small, I do not want to be a baby mama. I do not want to have him in my bed while some other woman refers to him as her man.

"What is satisfactory?"

"I will know when I hear it."

"Do you want me to say that I slept with different women every week? That I have a girlfriend? What do you want me to say?!"

"The truth, Darius, that is all I want."

"I gave you the truth. I have not looked at another woman with desire since the first time I met you. I spent two years looking for you, to bring you home, I was not fucking anyone else."


"Because I love you!" he screams and for a moment, my heart stops, I have heard those words before but they were being addressed to Darian and not me, now I am the target.

"You love me?"

"And that is why I said we should drop it." he places the keys of the car on the boot before walking away. I am stuck, instead of running towards him, I froze.

He loves me. Picking up the keys, I lower the car windows before trying to look for Darius. As I get to the boot, he is on his way back.

"I do not want to talk about it." he holds his hand out and I place the keys in his hand.


"Drop it, Boka." a deep breath and I get into the car. He opens the door and looks somewhere before getting in.

"I wanted to say that I love you too." he does not say anything but instead reverses out of the parking lot. I decide not to pursue conversation largely because I can not believe that he loves me.

He said it, he must mean it but the idea that he is in love with me seems alien to him not because it is not possible but because I did not think it was possible. We get to my sister's house and we are still not talking.

You would think after confessing our feelings for each other we would sit down and talk about how that is going to affect our co-parenting relationship moving forward but here we are walking into lunch with my family, our son in his arms and the wine in mine and we have not spoken.

"There is my favourite little boy." Darian smiles and gestures that he wants to be carried by his grandmother.

"I had ice cream," he announces and my mother and sister look at me as though I have betrayed them.

"He had a nap, he will eat just fine."

"That is not the point."

"Don't question my parenting just because it is different to yours. I am a great mom."

"No one said you weren't." he butts in, the audacity of the man.

"And he speaks." I roll my eyes before going into the living room, where my father is watching soccer with my brother.

"Are you not supposed to be with Mama and Ausi?"

"What does that mean?"

"You know bonding?"

"I bonded with them long enough, I want to bond with you two."

"Cool." after a while, Darius walks into the room.
He greets them and has light small talk.

"Bohlokoa, can I talk to you?" I do not want to talk to him, I do not want to get up and have a conversation with him but I know I have to.

He leads me outside, I close the sliding door and he keeps walking towards the other side of the pool. He is avoiding, he would rather not talk but he is pushing himself, it does soften my heart.


"Darius, you can not give me the silent treatment. I will not stand for that. If you want us to work, you need to work on your communication."


"If you need space to digest something, all you have to do is ask for space not just get up and go somewhere and shut me out."

"I understand."

"Good." he has a faint smile on his face to distract from his palms that he is wiping on his pants and his heavy breathing. "I'm listening." softly said to encourage him to open up.

"I am trying to find the words."

"To tell me that you love me?" he takes a deep breath, his lips forming a weak smile before he nods.

"And I am struggling to express the extent. I love you is not nearly enough." my mouth purses and I shy away from his gaze. "but I think a good place to start would be..." he takes a breath "My life has no meaning without you, I have no purpose beside you and I exist entirely for you."

He leaves me out of words with tears in my eyes. Never has a man ever expressed existing for me, never have I loved a man in the same weight.

"For the first time in two years, I feel like myself, even better, I feel alive. I love you is an oversimplification of the impact you have on me and how enamoured with you I truly am."


"See when you say my name like that, all I want to do is obey your every wish." my bottom lip between my teeth as he causes butterflies in my stomach. "I am listening."

"I love you." a wide smile paints itself on his face as his face glows and he lets out a breath of relief. He holds his hands out and I place mine in his.

For a moment, a long moment, it is us, two lovers. I can not believe it, he loves me. I spent three years wondering if he liked me or if I was merely a warm body.

Are we dating? What are we? As I look into his eyes, the questions, the doubts, the disbelief, they all float away, he pulls me into his gaze that is filled with admiration, lust and love.

Total Chapter Word Count: 1327 Words❤️

Just 2 chapters this week.
I can not wait to finish this book and submit it to The Wattys

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